Sunday, March 13, 2016

North Korea Claims That It Can Wipe Out Manhattan With A Hydrogen Bomb

Washington Post: North Korea claims it could wipe out Manhattan with a hydrogen bomb

SEOUL — North Korea claimed Sunday that it could wipe out Manhattan by sending a hydrogen bomb on a ballistic missile to the heart of New York, the latest in a string of brazen threats.

Although there are many reasons to believe that Kim Jong Un’s regime is exaggerating its technical capabilities, the near-daily drumbeat of boasts and warnings from Pyongyang underlines the regime’s anger at efforts to thwart its ambitions.

“Our hydrogen bomb is much bigger than the one developed by the Soviet Union,” DPRK Today, a state-run outlet that uses the official acronym for North Korea, reported Sunday.

“If this H-bomb were to be mounted on an inter-continental ballistic missile and fall on Manhattan in New York City, all the people there would be killed immediately and the city would burn down to ashes,” the report said, citing a nuclear scientist named Cho Hyong Il.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The conventional wisdom is that we should not be worried about these threats .... North Korea’s making a lot of threats these days. How worried should we be? (Anna Fitfield, Washington Post). What's my take .... we should be concerned. North Korea is a basket case, but they have diverted all their available resources to develop WMDs .... and while they may not have a hydrogen bomb, they do have a collection of weapons that are extremely lethal and are in their bunkers ready to be used. The above video is an examination on what would happen if North Korea went to war.


Unknown said...

The often overlooked point in the story of "The Boy That Cried Wolf" is that the wolf did in fact show up one day...

Unknown said...

An untrained crazy person with a straight razor can still kill the best trained Navy SEAL - it doesn't mean he will, but the SEAL had better take the threat seriously when confronted.
The video included uses math to suggest victory is guaranteed - I personally hate this type of analysis because it tends to exclude too many uncertainties.
That said; any defeat of North Korea will require foreign troops to occupy it - China will not allow either the US or South Korea north of the DMZ and the DPRK KNOWS it! The only way the Kim family will lose power is by Chinese hands.
Sure the US could easily roll over the DPRK but that would only invite a confrontation with China. Those "Chinese volunteers" of 1950 haven't disappeared and the little-fat-man KNOWS it!.

Unknown said...

While they no doubt have some nukes on hand... their propaganda is just so outlandish. Think they could mount something larger than the tsar bomb on a ballistic missile? Please. But if I were on the DMZ id be a little uncomfortable :)

Unknown said...

Well the did land a man on the surface of the sun I'm pretty sure the could hit us with an icbm