Thursday, March 10, 2016

President Obama: 'Saudi Arabia And Iran Must Find A Way To Make Some Kind Of Peace'

U.S. President Barack Obama delivers remarks about health insurance marketplace enrollments and the Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin March 3, 2016. REUTERS/JONATHAN ERNST

Reuters: Saudi Arabia, Iran must shape 'cold peace,' Obama says

Wars and chaos in the Middle East will not end until Saudi Arabia and Iran can find a way to "share the neighborhood" and make some kind of peace, U.S. President Barack Obama said in a magazine interview released on Thursday.

"The competition between the Saudis and the Iranians, which has helped to feed proxy wars and chaos in Syria and Iraq and Yemen, requires us to say to our friends, as well as to the Iranians, that they need to find an effective way to share the neighborhood and institute some sort of cold peace," Obama told The Atlantic.

In a wide ranging interview on foreign policy, Obama also put a share of the blame for the crisis in Libya on Washington's European allies. Libya is embroiled in political chaos after its 2011 uprising and facing a security vacuum and a growing threat from Islamic State.

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WNU Editor: There was a time when the the White House would take the lead on such an issue .... today .... pass the buck and tell others that they need to sort out  their differences amongst themselves. This may work in some cases .... but definitely not in this one. Iran and Saudi Arabia are now involved directly (and indirectly) in the many wars of the Middle East .... I doubt that they are interested in "shaping the peace" right now.


Unknown said...

Peace can be defined as "the absence of enemies".
Just like "Terrorist", the definition of "Peace" is relative to the definer...

Unknown said...

Obama is in the twilight of his relevance and he is preachy about peace that he can no effect.

Vain attempt at legacy?