Thursday, March 3, 2016

Russia Warns That The War In Yemen Is Going To Grind For A 'Very Long Time'

AFP: Russia warns of 'very long' war in Yemen

United Nations (United States) (AFP) - Russia warned Thursday the war in Yemen could grind on for a "very long time" because of the government's insistence on conditions for a ceasefire.

Russian Ambassador Vitaly Churkin, speaking to reporters after a UN Security Council meeting on the Yemen crisis, told reporters he was concerned that prospects for peace talks were dim.

"We hear that the government does not want to have a ceasefire until there is a comprehensive settlement," Churkin said.

"This is a recipe for a very long conflict which will have even more dramatic results," he said.

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WNU Editor: The Saudi - back faction in Yemen have a different point of view .... 85% of Yemen liberated from Houthis, says Yemeni President (IBTimes). What's my take .... this war is going to grind on for a long time, and the civilians will continue to suffer .... UN Accuses All Parties in Yemen of Attacking Civilian Areas (AP).

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