Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Russian And U.S. Military Analysts: U.S. Aircraft Carriers Are 'Floating Graveyards'

© Photo: Wikipedia/U.S. Navy

Sputnuik: America's Newest Aircraft Carrier: A '$15 Billion Floating Graveyard'?

If worst comes to worst, Russia's latest hypersonic missiles could make the America's newest aircraft carrier design, the Ford class, a 'floating graveyard', says journalist and military analyst Sergei Ischenko.

Later this year, the US Navy plans to accept the USS Gerald R. Ford, the most expensive and advanced warship ever put to sea, into service. Eventually, Ford-class carriers may replace all ten of the Navy's Nimitz-class carriers, starting with the USS Enterprise.

Analyzing the new vessel and its weak points, Sergei Ischenko, a military analyst and columnist for independent Russian newspaper Svobodnaya Pressa, suggests that unfortunately for the US Navy, in the event of a conflict with Russia, America's latest and greatest carrier would effectively be turned into a giant floating graveyard. And those aren't his words, but those of American analysts themselves.

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WNU Editor: If U.S. aircraft carriers are being sunk by Russia or China, I suspect that the blowback will quickly escalate into a nuclear one. If that happens .... a sunk aircraft carrier will be the least of everyone's worries.


Jay Farquharson said...

It's about abilities.

AD/AC against US Carriers is about making the US make the hard choice of actually "sticking them" in there, knowing their will be major losses,

And decide if the made up "babies in incubators" pretext for war is really worth it.

Unknown said...

A carrier down is on the par with the WTC.

Down a carrier expect nukes.

Let slip the dogs of war.