Friday, March 4, 2016

The Chinese Navy Wants Aircraft Carrier Battlegroups

South China Morning Post: China plans aircraft carrier battlegroups to protect offshore interests

Battlegroups to also be deployed in East and South China seas, admiral tells state media

China is building aircraft carrier battlegroups and plans to deploy them not only in the disputed East and South China seas, but also to protect the country’s overseas ­interests.

Rear Admiral Yin Zhuo, who served as a national political adviser and sits on the navy’s advisory board on cybersecurity, told the state-run Xinhua News Agency that building aircraft carriers served to “defend China’s sovereignty of the islands and reefs, maritime rights and overseas ­interests”.

The defence ministry confirmed this year that China was building its second aircraft carrier, its first wholly home-made one.

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WNU Editor: This is what I would call their long term goal.

1 comment:

TWN said...

Great big targets.