Sunday, March 13, 2016

This Nigerian Conflict Has Killed More People Than Boko Haram

Philip Obaji JR., Daily Beast: The Nigerian War That’s Slaughtered More People Than Boko Haram

The fight between Muslim herdsmen and mostly Christian farmers has killed more than 60,000 people in the last 15 years. It’s a situation jihadists mean to exploit.

JOS, Nigeria — It may well have been the bloodiest seven days in recent times. In north-central Nigeria, cattle herders and four farming communities armed with guns and machetes waged pitched battles last month. It was the latest round of violence in a long-running fight over grazing rights in the region.

Anyone who’s watched old movies about the Wild West in the United States will remember violent dramas about range wars between cattlemen and dirt farmers. But wild West Africa is far bloodier than anything Hollywood ever imagined.

Hundreds were killed in this one incident—including children who were hacked to death. Houses were razed and properties destroyed before security agents restored peace in the Agatu local government area of Benue state.

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WNU Editor: This conflict is not the only conflict that is sadly being ignored by the press.

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