Friday, March 11, 2016

Top U.S. Intelligence Chief: China Will Soon Have A Substantial Military Position In The South China Sea

VICE/Reuters: US Says Beijing Will Soon Have 'Substantial Military Power' in the South China Sea

China will be able to project "substantial offensive military power" from artificial islands it has built in the South China Sea's disputed Spratly Islands within months, the director of US national intelligence has claimed.

In a February 23 letter to John McCain, chair of the US Senate Armed Services Committee, James Clapper said Chinese land reclamation and construction work in the Spratlys had established infrastructure needed "to project military capabilities in the South China Sea beyond that which is required for point defense of its outposts."

"Based on the pace and scope of construction at these outposts, China will be able to deploy a range of offensive and defensive military capabilities and support increased PLAN and CCG presence beginning in 2016," Clapper said in the letter released this week, using acronyms for the Chinese navy and coastguard.

Read more ....

Update: China to start civilian flights from disputed South China Sea island (Reuters)

WNU Editor: India does not want to get involved in the South China Sea dispute .... India Rejects Joint Naval Patrols with US in South China Sea (VOA).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

India, Thailand, Vietnam, Phillipines, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan and the US could take on China.

All it needs is vision, leadership, balls and determination. Violence not needed.