Wednesday, March 16, 2016

U.S. Continues To Not Label Islamic State Violence As 'Genocide'

The Hill: Kerry will miss deadline to label ISIS violence 'genocide'

The State Department won’t meet a legal deadline to decide whether or not the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria’s (ISIS) violence against minority groups amounts to genocide.

Congress had given Secretary of State John Kerry until Thursday to decide whether to apply the label to the group’s killing of Christians, Yazidis and other minorities.

“Given the scope and the breadth of the analysis he’s contemplating, he will not have a final decision completed by the congressionally mandate deadline tomorrow,” State Department spokesman Mark Toner told reporters on Wednesday.
The evaluation is “a vigorous one,” Toner added.

“He is not at a point yet where he feels that he has all the information, all the evidence he needs to make the decision he needs to make.”

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The US State Department is claiming that they need more evidence .... State: Kerry Needs More Evidence to Determine Genocide by ISIS and Assad (Washington Free Beacon).

More News On The U.S. Continuing To Not Label Islamic State Violence As 'Genocide'

Kerry to miss deadline for decision on whether IS atrocities are genocide - U.S. official -- Reuters
Kerry to miss deadline on Islamic State genocide question -- AP
Kerry to miss deadline to rule on ISIS ‘genocide’ -- AFP
How long will President Obama stay silent on genocide? -- Kirsten Powers, USA Today
Analysts Debate Possible Results of IS Genocide Designation -- Pamela Dockins, VOA

1 comment:

James said...

That's funny, it didn't take State and Obama quite so long to decide to intervene in Libya. Those scope and breadth analyses things are strange creatures indeed.