Saturday, March 12, 2016

U.S. Defense Officials: North Korean Sub Is Missing

FOX News: North Korea lost a submarine, defense officials say

North Korea has a missing submarine, two defense officials told Fox News Friday.

One official told Fox the submarine is a 70-foot Yono class "midget" submarine that is diesel powered and has a crew of two, with room for a squad of saboteurs. It was unclear who may have been onboard.

North Korea does not operate large ballistic missile submarines, such as the U.S. Navy’s Ohio-class fleet.

Fox News has learned North Korea has not asked the United States to assist in search and rescue efforts.

On Thursday, North Korea responded to new sanctions from South Korea by firing short-range ballistic missiles into the sea in a show of defiance and vowing to "liquidate" all remaining South Korean assets at former cooperative projects in the North.

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More News On Reports That A North Korean Sub Is Missing

First on CNN: U.S. says North Korean submarine missing -- CNN
Report: US believes North Korean sub is missing -- Times of Israel/AFP
North Korea Submarine Missing, US Says: Report -- IBTimes
U.S. Official: North Korean Submarine is Missing, Presumed Sunk -- USNI News
North Korean submarine missing, presumed sunk: Reports -- Straits Times
North Korea Is Frantically Searching For One Of Its Submarines: Report -- FOXTrot Alpha

Hat Tip to RussInSoCal for this story.


World war 3 said...

This happened last time the south and USA were doing drills,Fatboy,trying for more attention

World war 3 said...

This happened last time the south and USA were doing drills,Fatboy,trying for more attention

fazman said...

Yawn he is so boring and predictable