Friday, March 11, 2016

U.S. Justice Department Tells Apple To Assist The FBI

USA Today: Justice Department: Apple obligated to assist FBI

WASHINGTON — The Justice Department asserted Thursday that Apple Inc., has sought to advance "false'' arguments that threaten privacy breaches on a massive scale in the tech giant's opposition to a court order requiring the company to help the FBI gain access to the iPhone used by San Bernardino terrorist Syed Farook.

"The court's order is modest,'' Justice lawyers argued in the government's latest defense of a California federal magistrate decision. "It applies to a single iPhone, and it allows Apple to decide the least burdensome means of complying...The order does not compel Apple to unlock other iPhones or to give the government a universal master key or back door.''

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Apple responds .... Apple: DOJ 'desperate,' brief reads like indictment (CNBC). What's my take .... the Justice Department is putting the "screws" to Apple ... especially if they push for this .... FBI warns it could demand Apple's iPhone code (Yahoo News) .... more here .... U.S. pushes back against Apple: Writing code is not free speech (CNN). My prediction .... Apple will cave, but not now.

More News On The U.S. Justice Department Telling Apple To Assist The FBI

Apple 'raised technological barriers' to stop warrant in iPhone case: U.S. government -- Reuters
US Rebuts Apple Claim on Password Reset in iPhone Case -- AP
Justice Dept. says Apple’s arguments in fight over locked iPhone are ‘a diversion’ -- Washington Post
US Files Point-by-Point Rebuttal Against Apple in iPhone Fight -- NYT
In fight over locked iPhone, justice officials push back against Apple -- L.A. Times
The tone between Apple and the FBI is now openly hostile -- The Verge
Government Calls Apple’s iPhone Arguments in San Bernardino Case a ‘Diversion’ -- Wired
Apple Vs. The Government, In Their Own Words -- NPR

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