Saturday, March 26, 2016

U.S. Marines Scrounging Through Museums For F-18 Spare Parts

F/A-18A Aboard USS Yorktown Museum Credit: Patriots Point Naval & Maritime Museum

Breaking Defense: Marines Scrounge Yorktown Museum F-18 For Spare Parts; How Bad Is It?

CAPITOL HILL: House defense Republicans really do seem worried that US weapons are so old, new gear so rare and training dollars so short that US troops may soon begin paying the ultimate price for the military’s creaky state after 15 years of war. As with every problem, you need an easily understandable and shocking example of just how bad things are to jumpstart jaundiced and overworked lawmakers.

So, when House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry went to Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort and heard this story, it became part of yesterday’s hearing with Defense Secretary Ash Carter and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Joe Dunford.

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WNU Editor: This is one of those WTF!!!! stories.


Jay Farquharson said...

It's an F/A-18A, a 36 year old airframe, that could have been replaced at any time by a F/A-18C, E or F,

But was "supposed" to be replaced by a F-35A in 2010, but the F-35 program is way more than 6 years behind schedule.

In addition, 9 failed war of choice and constant combat deployments have pushed the "wear and tear", far beyond the planned lifecycle.

Unknown said...

The wars of choice is no more choice than a war with North Korea.

the again we had a choice with the NORKS, surrender or fight.

Bob Huntley said...

Time to cut back on the wars of choice maybe.

Unknown said...

Again, what choice?

Neville Chamberlain had a choice. He chose not to have a war.

It ended well.

Stephen Davenport said...

I do not believe this story, its a propaganda piece approved by the DOD. I am a conservative and even I know the DOD are the biggest pigs on the planet who consistently whine and groan about low funds, which is a crock of crap and every one knows it. They already get at 500 billion a year on funding, yet they act like they are starving, its like crack they are addicted to spending other peoples money. They need to be held accountable for what they do with the money they get from taxpayers. No other country even comes close to what our DOD gets and I am sick of these kinds of bogus stories, because they are 100% pure grade A BS.

Unknown said...

If these replacement parts are so hard to find or non existent there isn't anything more they could do the. Why would they go out of thier way to get parts from a museum. Sometimes things don't work out because of bad management decisions and that's that why bother making hasty repairs and put the pilots in danger because some yuppy behind a desk decided to cut corners and didn't plan for the future... Just park the old worn out planes and deal with it