Saturday, March 5, 2016

We Are Entering The Age of High Speed Warfare

Malcolm Davis, The Strategist: To Mach 5 and Beyond

The Age of High Speed Warfare

Of all the potentially transformational military technologies that will appear over the next 10 years, hypersonic strike weapons, and ultimately, hypersonic platforms, could radically transform future military operations as well as open up the prospect of cheaper and more responsive access to space. The United States, Russia (here and here), China (its programmes discussed below) and India (and here) as well as Australia (here and here) all have R&D projects aimed at developing hypersonic propulsion or understanding the science of hypersonics.

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WNU Editor: If they solve the bugs, this will be the next big thing for the military.


phill said...

That and railguns and high powered lasers. Which in theory could also be used against hypersonic weapons.

Unknown said...


Do you think hypersonic and kinetic weapons will ever replace nuclear weapons as a strategic platform?