Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Amnesty International Releases Video On The Impact Of Barrel Bombs On Syrian Cities (Disturbing Video)

Newsweek: Watch: Barrel Bombs Rain Down on Syria's Besieged Daraya

A disturbing new video from the local government in Daraya shows the frightening impact of barrel bombs that have been decimating Syrian cities.

Shot by the Local Council of Daraya City and released through the international human rights organization Amnesty International, the video shows the ferocious barrel bombs raining down from airplanes and helicopters onto buildings, reducing them to smoke and rubble.

The Syrian government primarily uses barrel bombs in areas where it claims there are terrorists and rebels. The crude weapons consist of containers such as barrels or gas canisters filled with shrapnel and sometimes chemicals. The injuries are often complex and deadly.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Disturbing is an understatement ... and this conflict is now in the fifth year.


Bert Bert said...

I'm still not sure how a barrel bomb differs from a conventional bomb. From past videos I have seen they are usually dropped at fairly low altitudes from helicopters. They seem to have similar accuracy to a conventional strike from high altitude planes with good guidance systems.

Now are they using them appropriately. Are bombs ever humane. Not sure on that. But I don't think our drone strikes fair any better (see below).


Anonymous said...

I agree with Steven on this one, would it be any different result if a barrel bomb hit crowded street corner as opposed to a standard conventional bomb? I've even heard Obama mentioning "barrel bombs" as if they should somehow be treated as something much more horrific than an artillery round or any other destructive projectile.

Unknown said...

Amnesty International is about as useful as a security monitor.



Amnesty International is about as useful as the flashlight / limelight media that focuses on a crisis, pumps up the volume, and tug at the heart strings.

That is how we got into Somalia under George Herbert Walker Bush. Then the media's boy, Bubba Clinton, pulls put and gives heart to Osama Bin Laden.

Then glitz boy, George Clooney, with his stupendous education and worldly experience wants us to rinse and repeat in Darfur.