Monday, April 25, 2016

‘Dirty Bomb’ First Responders Sponsored By Interpol Are Being Trained In Nevada

The Blaze: Foreign ‘Dirty Bomb’ First Responders Sponsored by Interpol to Begin Training…in Nevada

In just a few months, the first wave of foreign first responders will set foot in Nevada to begin training on how to deal with disasters that can stem from the use of weapons of mass destruction.

Project Mercury, which will train first responders from Interpol, the world’s largest international police organization, is expected to cost the U.S. Department of Defense $500,000, according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal. Only a “small contingent of foreign first responder personnel” will be involved in the training, according to a Pentagon official.

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WNU Editor: It looks like Interpol is getting spooked with reports that the Islamic State is determined to build a "dirty bomb" .... hence the push to train personnel on how to respond to such an  attack. The Las Vegas Review-Journal link (and more details) to this story is here.

1 comment:

B.Poster said...

I've been warning since before the attacks of 9/11/01 on the US that the greatest threats to the US are as follows in terms of overall danger to the US: 1.)a nuclear attack by Russia against the US. Given Russia's superior quick strike capabilities, poor maintenance of US systems, substandard training of US personnel and general low morale of the these personnel, combined with Russia's superior HUMMINT to identify the targets, along with Russia's superior cyber warfare capabilities make it highly likely the US would not be able to respond to such an attack. In short, the Russian military is the world's most powerful. US and "allied" countries need to respond accordingly. 2.)Detonation of multiple "dirty bombs" and perhaps suitcase nuclear weapons simultaneously across multiple US cities killing 10s of millions of people and virtually destroying the infrastructure of major US metropolitan areas. 3.)A conventional invasion of the US mainland by Russia, China, or some combination of these nations along with perhaps some of their allies. As it is now and as it was then, the US cannot expect to win such a conflict. The best that could be hoped for would be to make the inevitable Russian and allied victory pyric enough that they would not consider the attack in the first place. That combined with policies that add value to them or at least don't interfere with them would likely go a long way or is trust eroded to the point that there is nothing we can do to change the outlook towards us? If so or if not so, deploy forces in such a manner and develop the necessary force structures to make their victory pyric enough they would not consider the attack.

In terms of most likely occurrences, 1 and 2 should be flipped and since 1 is by far the most dangerous it should get the most attention. Furthermore while 2 is devasting, there is a chance the US might survive. As for 1 or 3, I would not envision a scenario where the Russians or the Chinese would allow the United States to survive.

With this said, scenario 2 should get a great deal of attention as best case scenario 10s of millions of Americans could die. I'm pleased to see leaders in the US and the "west" are FINALLY catching on. In any event, the American people and those of the "west" cannot be told the gravity of the situation. To do so would mean the virtual complete destruction of our economies.

While I'm glad they are catching on, I don't like the location. Why are they doing this training in Nevada? The US is the target that ISIS and other Islamic terrorist groups and the nations who support them would most like to hit. As such, this is like putting out a sign that says "hit me please!!" I can understand the appeal as it has wide open space in which to practice, however, surely there are better places to do this!!

I would suggest somewhere in Russia such as Siberia. As I understand it Russia has much wide open space here and elsewhere. This combined with Russia's superior intel and military capabilities would seem to make this a better place to conduct drills.

Given that we face many of the same enemies, cooperation would seem in our best interests but this will require better relations. To this end, the US could take the lead and a good place to start would be altering our positions toward Ukraine and Eastern Europe.

The opportunity to train with the Russians would be fabulous for our personnel. From their operations in Syria, Georgia, and Ukraine they have demonstrated that their tactics and strategic thinking is light years ahead of us. There's so much we could learn from them!!