Sunday, April 24, 2016

Dutch Journalist Arrested in Turkey for A Critical Tweet On Turkish President Erdoğan

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan

The Guardian: Dutch journalist arrested in Turkey for criticising Erdoğan

Ebru Umar taken from her home in western Turkey to face prosecutors over tweets deemed critical of president

A Dutch journalist was arrested early on Sunday at her home in Turkey for tweets deemed critical of the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, according to her Twitter account.

“Police at the door. No joke,” wrote Ebru Umar, a well-known atheist and feminist journalist of Turkish origin.

Umar recently wrote a piece critical of Erdoğan for the Dutch daily Metro, extracts of which she then tweeted, leading to her arrest.

Read more ....

Update: Turkey's Erdogan Goes Full-Dictator: Arrests Dutch Journalist For Critical Tweet (Zero Hedge).

WNU Editor: Turkey's slide into a dictatorship continues.


Unknown said...

When this maniac gets the constitutional changes he has been pushing for, he will be far more than a thorn in NATO's side. while everyone is focused on the "Nazi-like" Putin or "head-chopper" extremists, Erdogan and his friends have actually been taking the steps required to be far more than a regional danger - and no one really notices. If he gets his way he'll be a brutal conqueror - with NATO backing.

Young Communist said...

We have already notice this.

Erdogan government is a fascist one. The rest of Turkey institutions cannot stop this trend.

Also EU cannot make a single action to stop this.