Saturday, April 23, 2016

Is Now The Time To Bury Lenin?

The embalmed body of Vladimir Lenin in the Mausoleum in Red Square, Moscow © Oleg Lastochkin / Sputnik

RT: RIP after 92 years? Majority of Russians want Lenin’s body buried poll shows

About 60 percent of Russian citizens think Vladimir Lenin’s body should be taken from the Red Square Mausoleum and properly buried. However, 52 percent of respondents view the current situation as ‘normal’ or even ‘good’.

According to the latest research conducted by the government-owned pollster VTSIOM on the eve of the Bolshevik leader’s birthday (April 22), 60 percent of Russians support the general idea of Lenin’s burial. This includes 36 percent who say that the founder of the Soviet Union should be buried as soon as possible. A further 24 percent say the authorities should wait until the generation that holds Lenin dear passes away. Thirty-two percent say they want no changes and prefer Lenin to remain in state where he is – in the Mausoleum right near the Kremlin.

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WNU Editor: God Yes!!!!! Please bury the guy. As to the 32% of respondents who want no changes and prefer Lenin to remain in state where he is – in the Mausoleum right near the Kremlin. .... I say who are these people? Because I know among my many Russian friends, family members, associates .... aside from some old timers .... everyone wants him gone.


James said...

Careful or he'll end up like Gen. Santa Anna's leg.

Unknown said...

Would it be a burial or cenotaph?

There is so much plastic is there much left of the corpse?

If he is all plastic I say throw him in the green bin.