Saturday, April 23, 2016

No One Knows How To Respond To China's Territorial Grab In The South China Sea

(Click on The Image To Enlarge)

Bill Pwell, Newsweek: 'Great Wall of Sand' Military Buildup Vexes China's Allies, Enemies

It was no coincidence that the leak came just a week before Defense Secretary Ashton Carter set forth in April on a high-profile trip to Asia, which would include a helicopter flight to a U.S. aircraft carrier sailing through disputed waters in the South China Sea. According to a detailed account in the Navy Times, the U.S. Pacific Command’s chief, headquartered in Honolulu, has become increasingly agitated not just by China’s boldness in installing military facilities on islands it has constructed in the South China Sea—in waters claimed by other countries—but also at what the commander perceives to be a wholly inadequate U.S. response to Beijing’s behavior.

Read more ....

WNU editor: China has shown the will and commitment to aggressively stake its claims in the South China Sea .... and they have made it very clear to everyopne thagt they are not going to back down. The response from the other countries in the region has been the opposite .... slow, disorganized, and fearful to not cross China's "red-lines". Will the U.S. make a difference .... probably not. And putting a few extra jet aircraft and helicopters in the Philippines is definitely not going to dissuade the Chinese.


fazman said...

Sail to 10 nautical miles and drop anchor.

Jay Farquharson said...

What will that do, the Chinese will still be there, will keep building and militarizing the islands.

Unknown said...

This may seem ridiculous, but would the Chinese go to war over the islands? Seriously, what do we think they would do if US Marines took control of one of the islands near the Philippines?

Jay Farquharson said...

Who's Island?

Part of why the Chinese are "getting away" with a lot of their Island building projects are the multiple overlapping claims by 11 nations.

Occupy the wrong empty one, and you will be facing off with Brunai, or Vietnam, or Taiwan.

Try to push the Chinese off one of their occupied ones, there will be shooting, probably another major economic crash, World crisis.

fazman said...

They make a lot of bluster about a drive by when a carrier is parked within spitting distance they will be called in forcing it to move along.

Turfy77 said...

Wait till they finish building them all then invade and take them over

Turfy77 said...

Wait till they finish building them all then invade and take them over

fazman said...

Blockade them

Jay Farquharson said...

The Chinese are playing the long game.

They have not impeded passage, just make lots of noise. Park a ship up close to one of the Islands, and that's all they will do, is complain about it.

China's read all the US Battle Plans, and reads all the Op-Ed's calling for the US to knock China down.

These bases are part of China's ADS. When the US attacks China, instead of the existing US Battle Plan, where the US Navy seizes the South China Sea, starves China into submission, while US Forces seize and occupy the major coastal cities,

The battle will be instead, the US Navy trying to fight their way into the South China Sea.