Friday, April 15, 2016

Poll: 93% Of Young Iraqis Consider America As An Enemy

ASDA’A Burson-Marsteller Arab Youth Survey 2016

Murtaza Hussain, The Intercept: Young Iraqis overwhelmingly Consider The U.S> Their Enemy, Poll Says

MORE THAN 90 PERCENT of young people in Iraq consider the United States to be an enemy of their country, according to a new poll.

After years spent justifying the war as a “liberation” of the Iraqi people, the survey casts further doubt on the success of that endeavor.

The poll was conducted by Penn Schoen Berland, a public relations and market research firm co-founded by controversial strategist Mark Penn, and was sponsored by a Dubai-based affiliate of Burson Marsteller, once described as “the PR firm for evil.” Still, the undertaking, as outlined by organizers, sounds ambitious. It included 250 face-to-face interviews in three Iraqi cities, plus another 3,250 interviews in 15 other countries throughout the Arab world, all with men and women ages 18-24 “selected to provide an accurate reflection of each nation’s geographic and socio-economic make-up.” It claims an error rate of plus or minus 1.65 percent.

Read more ....

Update: Hearts and Minds: Poll Says 93% of Young Iraqis Consider America an Enemy (Sputnik)

WNU Editor: The poll sample that was used was small .... only 250 Iraqis .... but still .... 93% now view the U.S. as the enemy. Wow .... talk about losing the "hearts and minds" of the people that you are trying to help.


Anonymous said...

I would be curious to see how this poll would come out in Kurdish areas.

jimbrown said...

Guess these people won't want our hugs or comedians.

jimbrown said...

Guess these people won't want our hugs or comedians.

Bob Huntley said...

Only 93% seems low but then there are probably lots not old enough to respond to the question.