Sunday, April 10, 2016

President Obama Admits That Libya Was The 'Worst Mistake' In His Presidency

CNN: Obama admits worst mistake of his presidency

President Barack Obama said the worst mistake of his presidency was a lack of planning for the aftermath of the 2011 toppling of Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi.

"Probably failing to plan for the day after what I think was the right thing to do in intervening in Libya," he said in a Fox News interview aired Sunday.

This is not the first time in recent weeks he has talked about Libya and the NATO-led intervention which resulted in Gadhafi's death in October of that year, months after NATO first intervened.

In a profile published last month in The Atlantic, the President told author Jeffrey Goldberg that British Prime Minister David Cameron became "distracted by a range of other things" after the operation.

Cameron, along with former French President Nicolas Sarkozy, took the brunt of Obama's criticism.
Although Obama said he thinks the intervention went as well as it could, he views Libya today as a "mess."

Read more ....

WNU Editor: He still has 9 months left in his Presidency. Failure to respond early and decisively against the Islamic State, escalating U.S. involvement in Ukraine that has torn apart the Post-Cold war peace, and prolonging the quagmire in Afghanistan .... these are my top 3 "worst mistakes" in his Presidency. If Iran develops a nuclear weapon 5 or 10 years down the road.... this will be his "worst mistake".

More News On President Obama Admitting That Libya Was The 'Worst Mistake' In His Presidency

Obama Cites Lack of `Day After' Plan in Libya as Biggest Mistake -- Bloomberg
Obama says '11 Libya ouster was likely worst mistake of presidency; pledges hands off in Clinton probe -- UPI
Obama: My Worst Mistake Was Not Planning for Day After Libya Intervention -- Washington Free Beacon
‘Worst mistake as president’: Obama admits he had no plan after Libya regime change -- RT
Obama Admits His Mistake in Libya Intervention -- Sputnik


Jay Farquharson said...

WNU Editor,

IMHO, Obama's "worst mistake" was turing his "Hope and Change" mandate into "More of the Same "Lite"" before he was even inaugurated.

TWN said...

Among his many mistakes Libya.Incompetent boob.

Unknown said...

"More of the Same "Lite""

So Mittens would have pulled Border Patrol back 75 miles from the border?

Mittens would have a flunkie named Janet Napolitano throw up her hands and say (paraphrase) "The border wall mandated by law cannot be built!" Then to ride off into the sunset literally to California to her sinecure?