Tuesday, April 19, 2016

President Obama Comments On The 9/11 Report's 28 Classified Pages

CBS: Obama weighs in on 28 classified pages of 9/11 report

President Obama on Monday said the director of national intelligence will soon complete a review of 28 pages of a redacted congressional report on 9/11 that a number of current and former lawmakers, U.S. officials and victims' families want declassified.

In an interview with CBS News' Charlie Rose, the president was asked if he has read the 28 pages.

"I have a sense of what's in there. But this has been a process which we generally deal with through the intelligence community and Jim Clapper, our director of national intelligence, has been going through to make sure that whatever it is that is released is not gonna compromise some major national security interest of the United States. My understanding is that he's about to complete that process," Mr. Obama told Rose.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: According to President Obama, we must wait for a review process to be completed before any decision is made to declassified the 28 pages of the 9/11 report that are still "top secret". OK .... not exactly a ringing endorsement and commitment to release this report from the President .... more of a .... lets wait and see. My prediction still holds .... it is not going to be declassified under his watch.

Update: The White House is now signalling that the President will veto any legislation that permits Americans to sue Saudi Arabia because of 9/11 .... White House signals veto on Saudi 9/11 bill (The Hill).

Update #2: Zero Hedge's analysis is probably correct .... Obama Responds To Saudi Threat To Dump Treasuries If Its Role In Sept 11 Is Probed (Zero Hedge)

Update #3
: Again from Zero Hedge .... Obama Administration Makes Stunning Admission: "Seed Money For Al Qaeda Came From Saudi Arabia" (Zero Hedge).


James said...

Nice pre-visit message to the Saudis by Obama. What would be interesting to me would be the pre summit meetings by each camp.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Ball-less President Obama release the documents don't worry about Saudi Arabia's feelings the hell with them

jimbrown said...

The smartest guy in wdc confessed that he has NOT read the 28 pages.OMG LOL.

jimbrown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Delay until the public forget.

Unknown said...

Delay until the public forget.

Jay Farquharson said...

"Q: Is there a list of which members of Congress have read the 28 pages?

A: No. However, there are strong indications that only a small minority have bothered to do so.

Q: Can any member of Congress read the 28 pages?

A: For the most part, yes. However, representatives and senators must first seek permission from their respective intelligence committee. Occasionally, they’re refused permission: In 2014, for example, the House intelligence committee denied a request from Congressman Alan Grayson.

After obtaining permission, they can read the 28 pages inside a highly secure, soundproof facility in the basement of the U.S. Capitol. They are not allowed to bring support staff with them, may take no notes, and are observed closely while reading them."


Unknown said...

Obama just did what he did as state senator. He voted present.

Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!


Unknown said...

"Mr. Ball-less President Obama release the documents don't worry about Saudi Arabia's feelings the hell with them"

"Though its head was too large, and its body too small,
The great thing about him - he had no balls at all. "

no balls at all

Unknown said...
