Saturday, April 23, 2016

President Obama: 'I Saved The World From Great Depression'

U.S. President Barrack Obama is reflected in a mirror as he takes part in a Town Hall meeting at Lindley Hall in London, Britain, April 23, 2016. REUTERS/STEFAN WERMUTH

The Guardian: Barack Obama tells young people that progress is possible

US president tells audience in London to reject pessimism and that change requires struggle, discipline and compromise

Barack Obama has urged young people to reject pessimism and interact with those who have different beliefs if they want to make changes in the world.

On the final day of his last visit to Britain as US president, Obama told 500 youth leaders at a town hall meeting in London: “I’m here to ask you to reject the notion there are forces we can’t control. As JFK said, our problems are manmade and can be solved by man.”

“You’ve never had better tools to make a difference,” he told the A-level and UK-US exchange students at the Q&A session. “Reject pessimism, cynicism and know that progress is possible. Progress is not inevitable, it requires struggle, discipline and faith.”

Read more ....

Update: Obama Boasts In Britain: I Saved The World Economy As President (Breitbart)

WNU Editor: These people will probably disagree .... No One Works in 1 in 5 U.S. Families (WFB).


Unknown said...

With you TWN

Jay Farquharson said...

It's part and parcel of living inside a "bubble",

"If you had to make a sudden visit to the emergency room, would you have enough money to pay for it without selling something or borrowing the funds from somewhere? Most Americans may not realize this, but this is something that the Federal Reserve has actually been tracking for several years now. And according to the Fed, an astounding 47 percent of all Americans could not come up with $400 to pay for an emergency room visit without borrowing it or selling something. Various surveys that I have talked about in the past have found that more than 60 percent of all Americans are living to paycheck to paycheck, but I didn’t realize that things were quite this bad for about half the country. If you can’t even come up with $400 for an unexpected emergency room visit, then you are just surviving from month to month by the skin of your teeth. Unfortunately, about half of us are currently in that situation. (Read More....)"

And it's not just Obama who's clueless to realities.

phill said...

Bible-believing Christians occasionally speak the truth.

As do some highly acclaimed blogs.

social liberalism=welfare state.

RRH said...

When people like Obama speak of how wonderful things are or how they saved this or that, they are talking about and to their class. The rest of us are lumpen proles or geece laying golden eggs of tribute in the form of labour and taxation.

Unknown said...

Jay .. IMO its the belief by the PTB in Keynesian economics (anti gold dollar backing) that has brought us to this horrifying situation ..

Jay Farquharson said...

Kenseian Economic's was badly wounded under Carter, dead and buried under Reagan, then Bush 1, Clinton, Bush II and Obama.

Kendsian Economics, ( tariffs, protectionism, fair trade, tax rates, defict spending during recessions, "investing" in future infrastructure, social safety nets) is what caused the end of the Guilded Age, built the North American economies, and created the massive growth in the wealth of the working and middle classes.

Neo-liberal economics, ( Chicago School) economics now dominate. Give the rich more and it will all trickle down, ( that's not wealth wetting your head).

James said...

"it requires struggle, discipline and faith.”
Ahh, discipline, that word is pregnant with possibilities for people like Obama.

Bob Huntley said...

Saved the world from a great depression (financial) and yet, with him as President the world is greatly depressed (emotional.

Young Communist said...

Saved the world from... what?

Retarding the disaster with public money, maybe.

Even if the moral universe tend to justice, the history in not a straight line to progress, and sometimes we fall and go back.

Neoliberism has push the greed of upper class to the max, the first world has start to devour their economies again with their welfare system and the old rich Europe is frightening by some thousand of refugees, when very poor country of third world face it in the numbers of millions, thanks to the wars waged by NATO and rich sheiks.

But sacrifices on the altar of the deities of free market are not infinite. We are at a crossroads of the future: for peoples or for elites?

Si-vis-pasen- said...

Iligal aliens pay's Nada on emergency room visit ....and with the so called unaffordable care act most definitely we can't pay for insurance went through the roof

Jay Farquharson said...


They pay. If they welsh on the debt, and the Hospital's Collection Agency can find them, it's a 38 to 49% compounded interest rate.

When I was in the States in the late '70's, I had an impacted lymph node in my neck. With no insurance, ( and earning minimum wage) the estimate from the Hospitals was ( the lowest), $22,500, almost twice my yearly wage.

So, I bought at straight razor, ($7.50), a bottle of alcohol, ($1.50), gauze, bandages and Tylenol Extra, ($7.75), stood infront of the bathroom mirror, and slit my neck open, ( millimeters from my carotid artery), to drain the lymph node, stitched my neck up with sewing thread, and put the end of a Bic pen in the wound to allow it to drain.

Yesterday, I had an industrial accident, ( my left hand is buggered for months),

Cost- $0
Copay -$0
Monthly Premium-$136

ECIB Pay for time and work lost -$344.65 a day.

War News Updates Editor said...

Jay. Ouch!

Bob Huntley said...


I'll add that remedy and the material needed to my survival kit for the aftermath of the next war.

You have probably heard this before. Back in the old days, before computers, there were lots of people in offices that would bite the cap between their teeth and pull it away from the pen so they could write something down etc. Those chewed up caps were an ugly mess and I imagine there are still people who do that.

Bic pen caps have an opening on the top so that should people who have the habit of walking around with it in their mouths happen to swallow it they will be able to breath. I imagine some choked to death prompting Bic's innovation.

Jay Farquharson said...

Had a 1/2 inch router bit run amuck on the back of my left hand.

No bone, or tendon damage, hacked up the veins pretty bad, possibly some nerve damage.

I got some thick shop towels on it pretty fast, 15 seconds or so, put lots of pressure on, then shut the router off.

Changed the shop towels, wrapped it with electrical tape, ( the stretch let's you put lots of pressure on, and the tape unpeels easily), cleaned up the work site, went to the hospital.

17 stiches, lots of skin glue, some local anaesthetic, and a pint of plasma.

It's gonna make a rightous scar, worthy of being a Pirate, Zombie or Frankenstien next Halloween.

Jay Farquharson said...

Add some rolls of electrical tape to your kit.

War News Updates Editor said...

Ouch ....
brings back memories
Splitting my head open when I was a kid. Sheet of steel falling on my hand. etc. etc.

Jay Farquharson said...

It's only the third time in 40 years that I got "bit" by a power tool,

But when I was a kid, the first Official sign of Spring, was one of the Farquharson boys first Emergency Ward visit of the year.

All the later first aid training as a teen has sure come in handy over the years, not just for me.

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