Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Report: Russia Now Threatening U.S. Warplanes Over Syria

© Sputnik/ Dmitri Vinogradov

The Telegraph: Russia 'breaks' military deal with America and threatens US warplanes over Syria

Russia has broken an agreement with the US by allowing its warplanes to carry out “simulated attacks” on American jets over Syria, according to a new analysis.

Last week, the US accused Russia of “aggressive” and “unsafe” manoeuvres after two Su-24 strike aircraft flew within 30ft of an American destroyer in the Baltic. Across Europe, Russian fighters and bombers have been intercepted while probing the air defences of Nato countries.

The US and Russia held military-to-military talks last year designed to prevent incidents of this kind from occurring over Syria. The result was a memorandum of understanding last October, stating that all Russian and American jets would stay a safe distance away from one another and communicate in English via recognised radio channels.

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WNU Editor: This is getting dangerous now.


Anonymous said...

Alright it's about time the winner will win a third world country

Unknown said...

So 'lil Obama thought he was going to win over ISIS win the 2016 elections for the DNC, secure his posterity and skate to retirement.

What a douche.

Unknown said...

Obama is worth 2 Putins.

... In the Napoleonic sense.

It is why Putin is so sad.