Thursday, April 21, 2016

U.S. Rules For Cyberwarfare Are Still Unclear

Image From Extreme Tech

NPR: Rules For Cyberwarfare Still Unclear, Even As U.S. Engages In It

When Defense Secretary Ashton Carter landed in Iraq for a surprise visit this week, he came armed with this news: More than 200 additional U.S. troops are headed to that country. They'll join the fight to retake the Iraqi city of Mosul from the Islamic State.

As that battle unfolds on the ground, a parallel war against ISIS is unfolding in cyberspace.

U.S. officials have confirmed to NPR that over the past year, the cyber campaign has taken off. They describe an escalation in operations, from using cybertools to geolocate a particular ISIS leader to hacking into and then conducting surveillance on a particular computer.

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WNU Editor: You would think that after committing billions of dollars, scores of personnel, and making numerous Presidential statements on the subject .... that someone .... somewhere .... would have made a list on what would be the rules of engagement.

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