Thursday, April 21, 2016

Why Russian President Putin Must Step Back From Permitting His Fighter Jets To Conduct Close Encounters With U.S. Ships And Planes

An U.S. Navy picture shows what appears to be a Russian Sukhoi SU-24 attack aircraft making a very low pass close to the U.S. guided missile destroyer USS Donald Cook in the Baltic Sea in this picture taken April 12, 2016 and released April 13, 2016. REUTERS/US NAVY/HANDOUT VIA REUTERS

Peter Apps, Reuters: Commentary: Why Vladimir Putin should rein in his 'Top Guns'

In the movie Top Gun, there is a running gag in which hotshot fighter pilot "Maverick" - played by Tom Cruise - insists on repeatedly "buzzing" U.S. Navy control towers in his F-14 Tomcat.

Every time he achieves something in the air, he requests permission for a high-speed, low-level flyby. It is always denied - but that maverick Maverick does it anyway.

In reality, though, flying fast-moving aircraft is one of the world’s riskiest occupations. And while sparring in the skies - even the bloodless posturing common between nations in time of tension -- is what some aviators live for, there is little tolerance for truly unnecessary risks.

When two Russian Su-24 jets made what U.S. officials described as several “simulated attack runs” on the destroyer Donald Cook in the Baltic last week, the United States military appears to have suffered a comprehensive – but understandable – sense-of-humor failure.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Russian fighter pilots do not act independently in such "close encounters" .... they follow orders. In this case .... considering how close these fighter were .... I would not be surprised if Putin himself gave the green-light via through his defense minister for this "close encounter".


RRH said...

And what good is a "shame on Russia" piece without the by now obligatory inference that they shot the Malaysian airliner down?

RRH said...

Tip for you Editor,

Jay Farquharson said...

Another tip:

War News Updates Editor said...

Thank you RRH for the link. I will be using it tomorrow. jay .... as we both know .... many of the world's future conflicts will originate from Africa and Africom will be in the middle of it. The U.S. build-up is just starting.

Jay Farquharson said...

It's actually a bit of a "must read". The Pentagon is pissed at Nick Turse, because of all his FOIA requests, ( which apparently cost the Pentagon big money), which they suggested he file, because the Pentagon refuses to answer his questions, ( and has gone so far as to use caller id to not answer the phone when he calls),

War News Updates Editor said...

Nick Turse is doing his job. I just wish more reporters were doing theirs.

RRH said...

John Helmer over at Dances With Bears does his; with style noless.