Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Are Mass Famines A Thing Of The Past?

Alex de Waal, New York Times: Is the Era of Great Famines Over?

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia — The worst drought in three decades has left almost 20 million Ethiopians — one-fifth of the population — desperately short of food. And yet the country’s mortality rate isn’t expected to increase: In other words, Ethiopians aren’t starving to death.

I’ve studied famine and humanitarian relief for more than 30 years, and I wasn’t prepared for what I saw during a visit to Ethiopia last month. As I traveled through northern and central provinces, I saw imported wheat being brought to the smallest and most remote villages, thanks to a new Chinese-built railroad and a fleet of newly imported trucks. Water was delivered to places where wells had run dry. Malnourished children were being treated in properly staffed clinics.

Compare that to the aftermath of the 1984 drought, which killed at least 600,000 people, caused the economy to shrink by nearly 14 percent and turned the name “Ethiopia” into a synonym for shriveled, glazed-eyed children on saline drips.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Alex de Waals analysis on how politics and war can produce a famine is spot on.


Jay Farquharson said...

campaign 2016 is getting really dirty:


Anonymous said...

Famine, nope not post-Borlaug

James said...

Post famine world! We ain't seen nothing yet.

Unknown said...

Drought is natural.

Famine is man-made.

The Bitch Farah Aidid was a good famine maker.