Monday, May 23, 2016

Did President Obama's Negative View On U.S. Engagement In The Middle East Produce The Disaster That Is Now Unfolding?

President Obama meeting in the Oval Office in late August with his national security advisers to discuss strategy on Syria, in a photo released by the White House. Credit Pete Souza/White House

Fred Hiatt, Washington Post: Obama’s fatal fatalism in the Middle East

Surveying the wreckage of the Middle East and the fraying of Europe, President Obama understandably would like us to believe that no other policy could have worked better.

The United States has tried them all, his administration argues: massive invasion, in Iraq; surgical intervention, in Libya; studied aloofness, in Syria. Three approaches, same result: chaos and destruction.

So why bother? Why get sucked into “a transformation that will play out for a generation,” as Obama described it in his State of the Union address this year, “rooted in conflicts that date back millennia”?

Even setting aside the offensiveness of such a sweeping dismissal of Arab potential, the formulation is wrong on two counts, one prescriptive and one analytical.

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WNU Editor: I cannot help but feel that after seven and a half years of being in the White House .... and now seeing the entire Middle East gripped with sectarian violence and bloodshed that was only isolated in Iraq when he entered the White House in 2009 .... President Obama must be personally deeply disappointed with what has unfolded. And while blaming others for this disaster has been the norm for his administration since the beginning .... after seven and a half years .... it just does not hold  much water any-more.

1 comment:

brave said...

A girl who was suffering from chicken pox she dare to give exam on 20th May 2016. We all appreciate this, but knowing this you all feel shame that a teacher of Agra College, Agra refused her to give exam and told her if you give exam he will burn her exam copy. After insisting him a lot of time he allowed her to give an exam at outside of the classroom. The girl gave the exam at outside of the classroom, but she did not get even a single glass of water. What is going on Agra college Agra, where is there humanities. If that girl belongs to your sister or daughter does he do this.

A very shameful incident