Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Former US & NATO Defense Chiefs Say Brexit Would Boost West’s Enemies

Reuters: Ex-NATO and U.S. defense chiefs warn UK against EU exit

Former NATO secretary generals warned on Tuesday that a British exit from the European Union would help enemies of the West while ex-U.S. foreign and defense chiefs cautioned that Britain would have less clout outside the bloc.

The double warning comes as the two campaigns for and against Brexit step up their rhetoric about the impact staying or leaving the EU would have on Britain's security.

Prime Minister David Cameron said on Monday that Britain was safer in the EU while former London mayor Boris Johnson, a member of his Conservative Party, accused him of suggesting World War Three would break out should Britons vote to leave in a referendum on June 23.

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More News On Former US & NATO Defense Chiefs Warning Against Brexit

Brexit Would Dangerously Weaken Europe, Say Former U.S. Foreign, Defense Chiefs -- WSJ
EU referendum: Nato chiefs warn Brexit will 'give succour to the West's enemies' -- The Telegraph
U.K. Warned Against Brexit by Former NATO, U.S. Security Chiefs -- Bloomberg
Brexit will aid the West's enemies and leave Britain 'dangerously weakened', warn defence chiefs at Nato and in the US -- Daily Mail
Former NATO, US Officials See Negative Consequences from Brexit -- VOA
Former Nato chiefs back David Cameron over EU security -- Press Association
Ex-NATO heads, US defence chiefs fire Brexit warning -- AFP
EU referendum: Former NATO and US defence chiefs warn UK 'don't vote for Brexit' -- IBTimes
NATO's five former chiefs warn Brexit to enfeeble NATO -- TASS
Brexit would boost West’s enemies, say former US & NATO defense chiefs -- RT


RRH said...

Most of us in "the west" don't have any enemies. Except the ones our "leaders" and their organizations are always busy making and feeding... and the "leaders" themselves.

Joseph A. Lambert said...

Most of us in the west don't want international enemies. Yet those like Russia, China, North Korea and Iran throw their "enemy status" in our face. We have no choice but to believe their rhetoric, arming and disregard for international treaties. Neville Chamberlan is so 1940's.

James said...

There must be some people very worried that this will happen to get these guys to go out and make these statements.

B.Power said...

I agree some people must be really worried about this and are desperate. I suspect the private polling that these people have suggests BREXIT has a huge lead. Even if BREXIT loses at the polls, their are likely many powerful people in the Britain who are going to force BREXIT no matter what even if they have to go against the will of the people.

In other BREXIT is reality. It cannot be changed. I look at such things from an American perspectjve. BREXIT was reality even before Mr. Obama went on his little escapade to campaign against. If he accomplished anything, all he did was stack the deck even further in favor of BREXIT.

Bottom line: BREXIT cannot be prevented even if it were desirable, American leaders need to prepare accirdingly.

As to how this affects othef Western Europen nations, I'm not them so I can't say. The EU is likely on it's death bed. To this, from an American persoective, GOOD RIDDANCE!! FINALLY BE GONE FROM US!!

As to how this affects national defense for America, if NATO is seakened, it helps Amerjca as resources are freed up to be better deployed to defend America. None of these parasites were ever going to lift a finger in "joint defense" if America is attacked.

Whatever the way forward is the best place to start is going to be to recognize Russia is the world's most powerful military and it is going to be this way for the foreseeable future with the gap bdcoming greater than it is today. Once reality is recognized, sound policy can be formulated

Unknown said...

The EU was pushed before its time by incompetent pols.

B.Poster said...

The "West" is a myth. This is not a monolithic entity. To try and force natikns together with shch divergent intersts and needs likely cannot end well.

As for NATO and other so called international treaties, America lacks the capabity to meet chrrent obligations/expectations. At this point, even basic natiknal defense is going to be problematic for America.

Donald Trump is absolutely correct when he says these things MUST be renegotiated. When it comes time, we need to be prepared to walk. Furthermore it needs to be made clear that our people WILL be treated with respect during the process or we walk IMMEDIATELY.