Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Iran Deploys Russian S-300 Air Defense System

© Dmitry Rogulin/ITAR -TASS

RT: Russian S-300 anti-missiles finally deployed in Iran

Iran has deployed Russian-supplied S-300 air defense systems at one of its military bases, the country’s defense minister announced. This apparently finalizes an almost decade-long saga surrounding the controversial shipment.

The long-range S-300 system was placed at Iran’s Khatam al-Anbia Air Defense Base, Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan said as cited by the Tasnim news agency.

The general added that the domestically-produced Bavar-373 has characteristics similar to the S-300 and would be mass-produced later this year.

Earlier in April, Iran showed off several elements of the Russian surface-to-air complex during the National Army Day parade in Tehran.

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More News On Iran Deploying Russia's S-300 Air Defense System

Russian-made missile systems delivered to air defense base in Iran — defense minister -- TASS
Iran's Air Force Receives Russian S-300 Air Defense System - Minister -- Sputnik
Iran’s Air Defense Forces Equipped with S-300 System: DM -- Tasnim news Agency
Iran's army receives S-300 missile defense system -- Trend
Iran has deployed S-300 system, minister says -- The Times of Israel/AFP
Iran says more defensible with possession of S-300 missile system -- New China
Iran announces delivery of Russian S-300 missile defense system -- Washington Post
Report: Russian-Made Missile System Deployed in Iran -- Washington Free Beacon


fazman said...

Well israel that window has now been slammed shut

B.Poster said...

I'm sure Israel has contingencies for this system but it likely has gotten much more difficult than it would have been. Furthermore they've known for sometime Iran was goung to get this system. As such, it seems likely they have plans in place to handle the system since they didn't act before the system was implemented.

Of course we can't " know" where Israel's preparation is or how good the system is against them until a military confrontation takes place. Hopefully it won't come to that.

Additionally the system as with any military system is going to have a limited useful life before others find ways to circumvent it. As such, it may be premature to assume the window "closed."

I was rather looking forward to the shock and "deer in the headlights" look on the faces of US leaders after Israel solved this problem. Perhaps the shock may extend to Russian keaders when they find their system is ineffective against the Israelis.

If Israel is unable to eliminate this through conventional means, I would anticipate non conventional means being used. I don't expect them to wait around for Iran to destroy them.

fazman said...

Israel and the u.s have zero experience defeating state of the art area denial weapons like this
I think the reason they havent acted before its installation is wuite simply because they couldnt not without the u.s embedding itself in a regional war it neither needs nor wants

I think the weak point in this for the
Short term will be the iranian operators

fazman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Israel will attack targets in Iran with ballistic missiles (Jericho III). S-300's won't make a difference.

B.Poster said...


It seems unlikely the US could be this system in the foreseeable future. That's likely who the system was designed for in the first place. On the other hand, the Israelis have a track record of being considerably more resourceful, have better leadership, and their pilots have better piloting skills. Furthermore they have a history of modifying weapons systems that they purchase. As such, I think it highly likely the planes and other equipment they have is going to be improved versions of what they have purchased.

The reason the US has not attacked is liekly twofold. 1.) They want to make a deal with Iran at pretty much any cost to end the conflict. This hasn't worked because Iran is in no mood to end the conflict and they view such concessions as weakness with only makes tem press harder. 2.)The US lacks the piloting skills, leadership, or proper equipment to penetrate the air defense systems the Iranians had back in 2008 much less now.

As for Israel, the problem appears to be excessive deference to America. As I patiently explained to friends and family in early 2008, we did not need to worry about a nuclear armed Iran. Israel would take care of this problem and the pilots would be back home before the United States even knew what happened. In other words, America would not be informed ahead of time as, if they were, Iranian operatives in the US government would warn the Iranian government of the impending operation. As I further explained, the best thing for America to do at this time would be to GET OUT OF ISRAEL'S WAY!!

Frankly, I was rather looking forward to the shock on the faces of US leaders as they tried to explain to the microphones and tv cameras of the media. Israel did not act. Now the job is likely going to be much more difficult and costly.

Israel knew for some time this system was coming. If they ultimately could not beat it, I think they would have acted before now. Furthermore, even if they don't have the solution now, they may honestly believe they can have the solution before Iran gets nuclear weapons.

We have no way of knowing how close Iran is and I don't think Israel is going to share anything they know with us as Iranian agents in the US government would reveal everything to Iranian leadership. Essentially the next POTUS is going to have to do some very invasive and very thorough house cleaning at all levels of the US government.

Anonymous is correct that if conventional ways to eliminate the Iranian threat are not to be found other means, ballistic missiles perhaps, will be used. I would not expect Israel to sit around and wait for Iran to destroy them.

I suppose the only way to "know" why certain leaders in the US, Israel, and other countries behave as they do would be to sit in on their private meetings with various advisors and the only way to "know" how a given conflict would come out would to actually fight it.

Jay Farquharson said...

"The S-300 system was developed to defend against aircraft and cruise missiles for the Soviet Air Defence Forces. Subsequent variations were developed to intercept ballistic missiles."



Jay Farquharson said...

In 2010, Bulgaria brought an older model S-300P to a NATO Combined exercise, so Western Militaries have some experience with the capabilities of the older S-300 system.

In part, that's why they are "freaking out" over the S-300/400/500 deployments.