Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Is Al-Nusra Being Presented To The West As A Moderate Force?

Rebel fighters, one of them carrying a flag used by al Qaeda's Nusra Front, celebrate at the Mihrab roundabout in the Idlib city centre, after they took control of the area on March 28, 2015. Reuters/Khalil Ashawi

Robert Fisk, The Independent: After splitting with Al-Qaeda, Al-Nusra is being presented to the West as a moderate force. It’s nothing of the sort

The jihadist force's reputation is being cleaned up, to suggest it is deserving of CIA support

So ol‘ Doc Ayman al-Zawahiri, Osama bin Laden’s chief executive successor, has told the Syrian Jabhat al-Nusra that it can dissociate itself from Al-Qaeda. Good public relations: Nusra doesn’t like the Isis “caliphate” very much, but as long as it remains a Qaeda clone, it can’t get off America’s terrorist list and qualify to join the (non-existent) 70,000 Syrian “moderates” dreamed up by David Cameron and a lot of American television networks.

Qatar's relations with Nusra raises questions. It denies direct ties with the group, and yet six months ago the Qatari Al-Jazeera channel interviewed Nusra’s leader, Mohamed al-Jolani, who said that it had nothing against Christians, Alawites or Americans – only that pesky president in Damascus who’s got Hezbollah, Iran and Russia on his side.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I hope Robert Fisk is wrong .... but the U.S. and the Persian Gulf states are looking for a way to influence events on the ground in Syria, and since their moderate forces have proven to be entirely ineffective .... why not a "cleaned-up version" of Al Nusra.


bn said...

WNU, who are the moderate forces and who isnt?

Do you know that IS could siege the RU troops in Palmyra?

Unknown said...

"Is Al-Nusra Being Presented To The West As A Moderate Force?"

Is Obama stupid?

Unknown said...

The Russians wish they were besieged in in Palymrya.

It would 'fix' large # of ISIS troops. It would be welcomed.

The north Vietnamese besieged Khe Sanh. The U.S. had air superiority.

Do not the Russians have air superiority in Syria?

Being surrounded by the enemy on 3 or 4 sides is no problem when you can go vertical.

Jay Farquharson said...

Attempts to "whitewash" al Quida's Syrian Franchise go back to May15, 2013, and inlcude al Jazeera, all the GCC media,

Plus the ususal suspects in the US MSM, from Douhat, Gordon, Kagan, Petreyus and Friedman, and all the ususal media from ABC through to the New York Times.