Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Is The Kremlin About To Release 20,000 Hillary Clinton Emails That They Were Able to Obtain?

Russia's President Vladimir Putin (L) meets U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton upon her arrival at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit in Vladivostok September 8, 2012. REUTERS/Mikhail Metze

WNU Editor: There are news reports circulating in independent media and talk radio that there is a debate in the Kremlin on releasing over 20,000 Hillary Clinton emails that Russian intelligence was able to lift from her "personal server". See here .... Kremlin War Erupts Over Release Of Top Secret Hillary Clinton Emails (WhatDoesItMean), and here .... REPORT: Hillary’s Emails Hacked by Russia – Kremlin Deciding Whether to Release 20,000 Stolen Emails (Gateway Pundit). Is this story true? I do not know .... the Kremlin is not in the habit of leaking stories like this, and certainly not to non-mainstream media. But even though I was sceptical, I still called some of my friends back home (i.e. Moscow). The feedback I got was always the same ....  this story is bogus.


James said...

After the above reports and others like them, there's no need for the Kremlin to release anything. I doubt if they ever even considered it, but being coy about the whole thing now, would be another matter.

Unknown said...

She should be in jail not running for president

Anonymous said...

But. But. But. Didn't Mrs. Clinton hit the reset button and make everything lovey dovey with Mr. Putin?

Unknown said...

May is 1/3rd over.

It does not appear that the bitch harridan is going to jail.

War News Updates Editor said...

Yup Aizino .... it does not look like it.

fred said...

Like Hillary of not, it is useful to note that the head of the FBI has said the investigation is likely to go on till the election is over. And he was a generous donor to both Bush and Romney.

phill said...

The Russians would use this later if she became president.

Both to undermine her and humiliate her.......Putin's smart like that.

B.Poster said...

Putin is smart like that. Hiliary must know the Russians and probably almos every other major government have hacked into her private email server and know everything about her both the bad and the ugly. She's apparently stupid like that to want to subject hrrself to being POTUS. Most people don't voluntarily subject themselves to humilitiation. Apparently she does.

Her best approach would be to take her wealth and find a nice quite place to hide. Unfortunately she's not that smart and the rest of us have to be subjected to her.

James said...

Hillary; It's red and about this big around. When I become president I'll show you one.
Putin; Reeeeeally.