Friday, May 6, 2016

Is The War In Ukraine About To Reignite?

Newsweek: Heavy Armored MIlitary Column Spotted Moving Toward The Frontline In Ukraine

A video that appears to show pro-Russian rebels moving heavy weapons toward the contact line with Ukrainian troops is adding fuel to warnings by independent observers that neither side is upholding the withdrawal agreement.

Ukrainian forces and Russian-backed separatists in Ukraine’s eastern region of Luhansk are bound by a ceasefire agreement to pull high-caliber guns from the contact line between them. Violence has flared a few times over recent weeks, with two Ukrainian soldiers reported to have been killed during a truce to mark last Sunday’s Orthodox Easter.

Footage has emerged online showing a column of at least 35 Soviet-made armored vehicles, some bearing a striking resemblance to the Russian truck-mounted multiple rocket Grad launcher, moving through street traffic.

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WNU Editor: The pessimist in me believes that the war is going to re-ignite again this summer, and all of this armoured movement is just a prelude to it. But this Stratfor analysis did strike a cord in me, and it gives me hope that all the parties involved are looking for way out ..... Fighting for Concessions in the Ukrainian Conflict: Analysis (Stratfor)


bn said...

But But But ... isnt this war a war between Uk and Uk from donbass area?

What are Russian tanks, armored vehicles, Grads, etc doing there?

I know the answer, the Uk rebels bought them in the supermarket.

RRH said...

I know what those tanks etc. are doing there.

Killing fascist flunkies.

And doing a damn finejob of it too.

Jay Farquharson said...

Technically, none of the "gear" was Russian, and there were no tanks, ( just 2S9 Nona's),

It was all Soviet, except for the Grad's, which were mounted on Ural's, not Gaz trucks, so they were either Soviet or post Soviet Ukrainian made.

It was also just the movement of an artillary brigaide through downtown Lugansk, over 100km away from the Minsk II exclusion zone.

RRH said...

A lot of the gear is captured Ukrop army. Thing is, even the very pro Russian blogs/news sites admit a lot of stuff, besides humanitarian aid, is sent to the Donbas forces. Not that I have any issue with that and thank goodness for it.