Sunday, May 8, 2016

Signalling A Tougher Policy, Afghanistan Begins Executing Convicted Taliban Militants

PHOTO: Ashraf Ghani has vowed a new hardline stance against the Taliban. (AFP)

ABC News Online/AFP: Afghanistan executes six Taliban inmates, Government sources say

Six Afghan Taliban inmates on death row have been hanged, in the first set of executions endorsed by President Ashraf Ghani since he came to power in 2014, Government sources say.

Mr Ghani last month vowed a new hardline stance against the Taliban after an insurgent attack killed 64 people in Kabul, in what appeared to be the deadliest attack on the Afghan capital since 2001.

The executions occurred despite a threat of reprisal attacks from the Taliban, which launched its annual spring offensive last month, widely expected to be the worst fighting season in 15 years.

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Update #1: Afghanistan Executes 6 Terror Convicts (VOA)
Update #2: Afghanistan Executes 6 Militants, Signaling Tougher Policy (AP)

WNU Editor: The Taliban are committing their own executions .... New video emerges online of Taliban public execution of Afghan woman (IBTimes). As for the war, this is a worrisome development .... Haqqanis Steering Deadlier Taliban in Afghanistan, Officials Say (New York Times). More here .... Afghanistan faces tough battle as Haqqanis unify the Taliban (AP)

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