Sunday, May 15, 2016

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry Meets Saudi Arabia's King Salman For Talks On Conflicts In Syria, Libya, Yemen

Reuters: Kerry meets Saudi king to discuss Syria before Vienna talks

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry met Saudi Arabia's King Salman in Jeddah on Sunday to discuss the fragile truce in Syria, before broader talks with Russia, Iran and other countries in Vienna on Tuesday.

Kerry has said he hopes to strengthen a "cessation of hostilities" agreement between Syrian government forces and rebels, which has been undermined by fighting in some areas, and to increase humanitarian aid deliveries to besieged areas.

On Friday, he said the meetings with the king and the Saudi interior and defense ministers - the two most senior princes - would try "to make sure that we can get this cessation better footed and, frankly, better observed and implemented throughout the country."

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More News On U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry Meeting Saudi Arabia's King Salman For Talks On Conflicts In Syria, Libya, Yemen

Kerry in Saudi Arabia for Talks on Syria, Libya, Yemen -- AP
John Kerry Meets Saudi Arabia’s King Salman To Discuss Syria, Libya, Yemen -- IBTimes
Syria dominates agenda during Kerry visit to Saudi Arabia -- AFP
Kerry asks Saudis for support on Syrian cease-fire -- UPI
Kerry Seeks Saudi Support for Syrian Cease-fire -- VOA

1 comment:

Bob Huntley said...

and the "moderate rebels" know what is waiting for them if they were to lay down their arms.