Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Why Space Is The Next Military Flashpoint

X-37B. Air Force

News.com.au: US, Russia, China: Why space is the next military flashpoint

TENSIONS between the super powers are high and the race is on to dominate.

But if you think the next major military battle for dominance will be over land or sea, or any other piece of the Earth, then think again.

Experts predict the world’s global powers will soon be taking their battles into space.

Not only is the space race becoming more competitive but global powers are continuing to militarise what has long been considered to be the final frontier.

Writing for global intelligence agency Statfor, senior military analyst Omar Lamrani warned while the race for dominance in space began some time ago the race toward its weaponisation is accelerating faster than ever before.

According to him, global powers are working to develop and deploy anti-satellite weapons known as ASATs.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: A good summary on how the U.S., Russia, and China are militarising space.

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