Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Are There EU Plans To Create A European Super-State?

Radio Poland: New EU 'superstate plan’ by France, Germany: report

The foreign ministers of France and Germany have proposed creating a “European superstate” limiting the powers of individual members following Britain’s referendum decision to leave the EU, Polish public broadcaster TVP Info has reported.

The document in which the proposals appear is to be presented to Visegrad Group countries meeting in Prague on Monday by German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, TVP Info said, adding that the document was an "ultimatum".

TVP Info said the proposals would mean members of a superstate would in practice have no right to their own army, to a separate criminal code or a separate tax system, and would not have their own currency.

In addition, TVP Info said, member states would lose control over their own borders and procedures for admitting and relocating refugees.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: None of the principles that have been named in this leak are denying the story. As to whether or not the story is true .... I say never let a crisis go to waste. Case in point .... the mayor of London wants more powers .... London Mayor Khan demands more autonomy after Brexit vote (Reuters).

More News On Reports That The EU Has Plans To Create A Super-State

Has Britain avoided a ‘European superstate’? France and Germany ‘draw up plans to morph EU countries into one with control over members’ armies and economies’ -- Daily Mail
European SUPERSTATE to be unveiled: EU nations 'to be morphed into one' post-Brexit -- Express
France & Germany plan to lead post-Brexit EU reform – leaked memo -- RT
Poland Leaks French-German Plan for EU Superstate Amid Brexit Chaos -- Sputnik


TWN said...

I think more countries will vote to leave, a lot people are fed up with globalization.I wish we could have some referendums on a number of issues here in Canada.

B.Poster said...

Some people never learn. In the aftermath of BRDXIT, one would think that these people would take a step back, reassess the situation, and perhaps hold off on this globalization thing for awhile, perhaps even look seriohsly at some reforms to address the concerns of member states.

Instead we get a doubling down on the same failed policies. Assuming this is to be believed as ordinarily it would be hard to fathom people could be this stupid but EU leadership does have a track record of being stupid. As such, it's probably true. Unless they pull back the EU will only hasten it's demise.

I wish we could have a referendum on a number of issues in America as well. Two examples are do we really want to be a part of NATO and should we really be a part of NAFTA. There are others but these would be good places to start.

James said...

"Instead we get a doubling down on the same failed policies."
In the end it has little to do with policies as it is almost all about power. They will double down, in their minds they have to.