Sunday, June 5, 2016

China Talks Tough Over South China Sea

CNN: 'We have no fear of trouble': China talks tough over South China Sea

(CNN)A senior Chinese admiral strongly defended his country's activities in the South China Sea Sunday, restating Beijing's sovereignty in the region and warning it "had no fear of trouble."

Admiral Sun Jianguo, deputy chief of general staff of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, addressed the tensions resulting from overlapping territorial claims in the South China Sea at the IISS Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore, an annual conference on security in the Asia-Pacific region.

Sun said that the issue had "become overheated because of provocations of certain countries for their own selfish interests." He also reiterated that Beijing would not recognize a pending decision of an international tribunal in The Hague in a case brought by the Philippines contesting China's claim to some territory in the region.

Read more ....

Update: China pushes back against US pressure, says it has 'no fear of trouble' in South China Sea (FOX News)

WNU Editor: The Chinese are holding all the cards in this dispute. They have the military, resources, and the public and political will to persevere in this dispute. And on the opposite side .... disunity, a limited military (bolstered by the occasional U.S. presence), limited resources, and limited (if any) political will.

Update #2: I will be surprised if this gets traction .... France to Push for Coordinated EU Patrols in South China Sea (Bloomberg).


Jordan said...

The "Polish Question" of our time.

Jac said...

If we are not able to make the international law respected, every country will understand they can do what they want. This will bring us earlier or later to WW III.
Unfortunately you are right: Obama has as much political will as Chamberlain had.

fazman said...

The u.s need a coup and install senator Mcain as el presedenti

RRH said...

Other countries have watched the U.S./NATO romp around the world ignoring or violating international law for decades. Now they have come to the conclusion that what is good for the goose is good for the gander. "Western" wxceptionalism, or at least acceptance of it, is officially dead. There are big kids in the school yard who are not willing to surrender their lunch money. They have the muscle and the balls to ensure they, and their smaller buddies, don't have to.

The bully and his toadies huffs, puffs, tries to corner, isolate, threaten, intimidate, torment, and sew confusion among their intended victims. The more they attempt to extort, bulldoze, and bullshit to get their way, the worse things turn out for them. They are more desperate by the day. It won't be long before they lose their shit, have a tantrum, and put as all in peril.

Jay Farquharson said...

Kinda difficult to "pick an actual fight" with a Nation that your entire economy is built around trade with, ( US, EU, Japan, Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan, etc, etc.), and China knows this.

They must be laughing their asses off.

RRH said...

For sure.

The Chinese AND the Russians have "our" number. The recent visit to Canada by Foreign Minister Yi displayed just how much contempt they have for "us".

What's really galling though is how people here like to infer the disloyalty, or subversive intent of those (yours truly for example) who point out the rank hypocricy and stupidity of "our" leaders.

The truth is, LOVE of Canada dictates calling these people out for behaviour that harms us all.

Jay Farquharson said...

Yup, but the Leaf's/Cub's lessons are lost on those who don't know the sport, and simply blindly root for the team.

And then, there are far to many people willing to give up everything, blindly follow orders, and go marching off behind the flag, even if it's into the steppes of Russia.

It's a byproduct of not hanging our domestic Nazi's during WWII and then importing all the ethnic mini-Nazi's and Full Bore Nazi's after WWII.

RRH said...

You'll get no argument from me Jay.