Friday, June 3, 2016

Donald Trump Supporters Attacked And Assaulted In San Jose

Washington Post: Ugly, bloody scenes in San Jose as protesters attack Trump supporters outside rally

SAN JOSE, Calif. — Protests outside a Donald Trump rally in downtown San Jose spun out of control Thursday night when some demonstrators attacked the candidate’s supporters.

Protesters jumped on cars, pelted Trump supporters with eggs and water balloons, snatched signs and stole “Make America Great” hats off supporters’ heads before burning the hats and snapping selfies with the charred remains.

Several people were caught on camera punching Trump supporters. At least one attacker was arrested, according to CNN, although police did not release much information.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Is this what America has now become? Looking at some of the videos .... it reminds me of how blacks were attacked in the 60s when they gathered together for their civil-rights rallies. Talk about making the case for Donald Trump. This was an organized protest and violent attack .... and by the looks of it, it follows the play-book for Democrat supporters of Bernie Sanders. If presumptive Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton is smart she and the Democrat party should disavow themselves from these thugs .... because this is going to blow up in a vote against her if she and her fellow Democrats do not. As for the main stream media coverage of this story .... totally lacking .... which is only going to feed into the perception that the media is in the tank for the Democrats.

Update: Hillary Clinton's campaign has condemned this violence .... albeit "lightly" .... it looks like they now know that this is only going to hurt her .... Clinton Campaign Condemns Protesters’ Violence at Trump Rally in California (NYT).

Update #2: The coverage of this event from the international press is far more extensive and in depth than what the U.S. press is doing .... why am I not surprised.

Update #3: No comment yet from the US Justice Department, White House, or the Governor's office in California.

Update #4: It looks like the mayor of San Jose and Hillary Clinton supporter is justifying the violence .... San Jose Mayor Justifies Mob Violence (Weekly Standard). Again .... this is not going to help Hillary Clinton.

More News On Donald Trump Supporters Attacked And Assaulted In San Jose

Violence erupts outside Donald Trump rally in San Jose as protesters clash with his supporters: Updates -- L.A. Times
Protesters Assault Trump Supporters With Eggs, Bottles, Punches After Rally -- NBC
Violence erupts at Trump's San Jose rally as protesters fight The Donald's supporters in ugly street brawls leading to several arrests -- Daily Mail
Trump supporters attacked, bloodied, and pelted with eggs as scene outside rally turns violent -- Business Insider
Donald Trump rally in San Jose: Violence erupts outside, hundreds clash with police -- Mercury News
Anti-Trump Protesters Attack Democracy in San Jose -- The Atlantic


phill said...

Some believe "welfare" is worth fighting for.....literally!

Nathanael Werdal said...

All those big men assaulting a woman. She took it like a champ. Is this really their attempt at dispelling the stereotypes that Trump keeps preaching? This is really going to speak volumes to a lot of people that have so far been on the fence.

B.Poster said...

When exactly did Mr. Trump threaten to take away anyone's "welfare?" As far as I know, no candidate on either side wants to do this. So far he has suggested things like, 1.)we need to secure the border (normal countries do this, especially when we are being de facto invaded from the south such moves are experiential common sense), 2.)the current trade agreements with a number of countries are not good deals for us and need to be renegotiated (again experiential common sense), 3.)our participation in NATO needs to be rethought (the US military would be hard pressed to defend the mainland and, as such, it makes no sense to have such commitments especially when they are not reciprocated as Germany or Poland for example are not going to fight along side us should we be invaded, again common sense), 4.)a ban on immigration from Islamic countries needs to be considered (these people don't like us and wish us harm, sane people restrict access to their homes of people who wish them harm, 5.)he's suggested the Iraq was a bad idea that he opposed from the start and Hillary voted for it now does she really plan on running on foreign policy credibility against Mr. Trump (most Americans would support Mr. Trump's position on this one), and 6.)I could probably go on.

While he is NOT my first choice, essentially everything he's advocated so far is experiential common sense that most people would understand. As such, the protestors are putting themselves against basic common sense and the survival of the country and should be held in utter contempt.

At this point, it seems the only things that might stop Mr. Trump from being the next POTUS are one or more of the following: 1.)he simply doesn't have the money or the financial backing to mount a credible campaign. Since it seems the many of the big Republican donors would rather have Mrs. Clinton as POTUS than support him this seems a real possibility, 2.)America suffers from a form of cultural "Stockholm Syndrone" and may not be willing to back an unapologetically pro-American candidate to the degree necessary to win a presidential election, or 3.)the media FINALLY is able to find something on him that sinks his candidacy.

Given the fact that the media attacks have been almost unprecedented and he fights back against them with facts, possibility 3 seems unlikely. Some combination of 1 and 2 seem more likely as possibilities. With that said if I'm a foreign leader and desire good relations with the United States it would be prudent to operate under the assumption that Mr. Trump is going to be the next POTUS and act accordingly.

Furthermore once it comes time to renegotiate NATO and the various trade agreements needing renegotiating I want and expect our people to be treated with respect and decency. As such, it would be extremely helpful if candidate Trump toned down some of the rhetoric here. As I understand it, when it came to negotiate with the Soviets at the end of Cold War I the Reagan Administration and his team were very respectful to the Soviets even if some of the public rhetoric was not. Perhaps a similar dynamic can be in operation when NATO and these trade agreements are renegotiated.

Finally, it needs to be the top priority of the next POTUS to end Cold War II. Donald Trump has appeared to suggest he'd be willing to work with Mr. Putin. In contrast Hilary has only been able to insult Mr. Putin with names like "dictator", "tyrant", and other such tings. I'm pretty sure the American peoples' position on this one is going to be more in line with that of Mr. Trump.

Anonymous said...

How about some balance here:

War News Updates Editor said...

Anon. Not surprise that some Trump supporters are retaliating. Human nature being what it is .... this is going to get worse because they will be ready at the next rally. My prediction .... this election season is only starting .... what we are witnessing now is just the tip of the iceberg of what we will be seeing in October.

Unknown said...

Illegals and criminal gangs are part of the Democrat Party Deep State.

Criminal gangs are given money in Democrat controlled cities to get out the vote.

The DNC and the rest of the Democrat Party should be prosecuted under RICO.

Hillary is merely a mob boss making a power play.

Jay Farquharson said...

War News Updates Editor said...

I personally have been to San Jose many times because of business. Know the city very well. Even my brother got married in San Jose. Got to know the priest who married my brother at the main Catholic church near the center of the city (my brother acquiesce to his wife to get married in a Catholic Church .... long story there but the priest and I keep keep contact on a regular basis, he was an army Chaplin who went with the soldiers in Iraq in the first Gulf war, and when I visit my brother I always have lunch with him.) I have even entertained the though of joining my brother and living in the Bay Area .... but for personal reasons I like Canada. Again ... another long story there .... maybe some other time.

San Jose is not a no-go zone for Republicans or for anyone else .... it is not what the Deep South once was where communities were segregated and deeply divided. It is a multi-cultural city with diverse opinions that is reflective of the many people from around the world who live there. Even the Latin American community is from different regions of the Americas .... and there are reflective of where they came from. But last night an organized mob of a few hundred had a different opinion .... and America is now poorer because of it. The end result is predictable .... there will be blow-back at the polls .... I am just surprise that the Hillary Clinton camp hasn't figured that one out yet.

phill said...


The protesters/mobs are lead to believe Trump is a racists Nazi. It isn't far fetched that they believe he's going to lower or cut "welfare" services to those that have grone accustomed to it.

And sadly most of the media either supports the mobs or blames Trump.

Jay Farquharson said...

Trump's full speech in San Jose.

Anonymous said...

OMG everybody's so naive. The event is obviously staged, or at least brought to the front of the stage which is basically the same thing.