Thursday, June 2, 2016

German Parliament Recognizes Armenian Genocide

New York Times: German Parliament Declares Armenian Deaths a Genocide, Angering Turkey

BERLIN — The German Parliament overwhelmingly adopted a symbolic but fraught resolution on Thursday declaring the killings of Armenians by Ottoman Turks in 1915 a genocide, escalating tensions with Turkey at a diplomatically sensitive juncture.

The Turkish government angrily denounced the vote as “null and void” and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan recalled the ambassador back to Ankara for consultations.

Turkey’s foreign minister, Mevlut Cavusoglu, denounced the vote on Twitter, writing, “The way to close the dark pages of your own history is not by defaming the histories of other countries with irresponsible and baseless decisions.”

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WNU Editor: The resolution was passed unanimously, but Angela Merkel was absent from the vote .... Merkel backs Armenia genocide bill, but won't vote (The Local). Turkey's reaction was predictable .... Turkey recalls Germany ambassador after genocide vote (AP).

More News On The German Parliament Recognizing The Armenian Genocide

Bundestag passes Armenia 'genocide' resolution unanimously, Turkey recalls ambassador -- DW
German MPs recognise Armenian 'genocide' amid Turkish fury -- BBC
German Parliament labels Armenians' killings as genocide -- AP
Germany angers Turkey with Armenian genocide resolution -- Reuters
Germany passes resolution recognising Armenian genocide, angering Turkey -- Frabce 24
German Lawmakers Label Armenian Massacres a Genocide -- WSJ
German Lawmakers Recognize Ottoman Killings Of Armenians As 'Genocide' -- RFE
German Lawmakers Recognize Armenian Genocide -- VOA
German Parliament Recognizes Armenian Genocide in Snub to Turkey -- Bloomberg
German Parliament Votes To Recognize Armenian Genocide Despite Warnings From Turkey -- IBTimes
German parliament acknowledges Armenian genocide amid intense Turkish pressure -- RT
Turkey recalls ambassador after German MPs' Armenian genocide vote -- The Guardian

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