Saturday, June 4, 2016

Growing Concerns Within The Democrat Party That Violence At Trump Rallies Will Only Boost His Support

Victor Cristobal of San Jose, centre, chants during a demonstration outside a campaign rally for Republican U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump in San Jose. (Stephen Lam/Reuters)

Washington Post: Democrats fear that violent anti-Trump protesters are only helping him

Democrats and Hispanic activists said Friday that they are increasingly alarmed by a spate of violence at Donald Trump rallies instigated by anti-Trump protesters, fearing that the incidents — widely viewed on television and social media — will only help the GOP candidate and undermine their attempts to defeat him.

The latest flash point came Thursday in downtown San Jose, where a demonstration outside a Trump campaign rally quickly escalated out of control. Several protesters assaulted Trump supporters, ripped pro-Trump signs away from them and stomped on vehicles in the area. A flurry of video clips circulating Friday morning showed bystanders who sustained bloody injuries.

The chaotic scene was part of a long-running trend of violence at Trump rallies, where uncomfortable ethnic tensions have taken center stage in response to the candidate’s proposals to deport illegal immigrants en masse and temporarily ban foreign Muslims from the country. But unlike several violent eruptions earlier this spring, when the attacks were mostly carried out by Trump supporters against protesters, young anti-Trump protesters have been the assailants at several recent events.

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WNU editor: Even President Obama is now warning Democrat supporters to cool it .... Obama calls on Democrats to stop violence at Trump rallies (Washington Times). My brother lives north of San Jose in San Mateo .... he is a hard core liberal-Democrat supporter who is not a fan of Donald Trump. But after what happened in San Jose .... he is still not going to vote for Donald Trump, but as he told me this evening .... he is definitely not motivated to vote for Hillary Clinton .... and less so after what happened on Thursday.

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