Saturday, June 4, 2016

New Documents Reveal That Edward Snowden Did Contact NSA Officials To Express His Concerns Over Mass Surveillance

© AFP 2016/ Frederick Florin

Jason Leopold, Marcy Wheeler, and Ky Henderson, VICE News: Exclusive: Snowden Tried to Tell NSA About Surveillance Concerns, Documents Reveal

On the morning of May 29, 2014, an overcast Thursday in Washington, DC, the general counsel of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), Robert Litt, wrote an email to high-level officials at the National Security Agency and the White House.

The topic: what to do about Edward Snowden.

Snowden's leaks had first come to light the previous June, when the Guardian's Glenn Greenwald and the Washington Post's Barton Gellman published stories based on highly classified documents provided to them by the former NSA contractor. Now Snowden, who had been demonized by the NSA and the Obama administration for the past year, was publicly claiming something that set off alarm bells at the agency: Before he leaked the documents, Snowden said, he had repeatedly attempted to raise his concerns inside the NSA about its surveillance of US citizens — and the agency had done nothing.

Read more ....

Update #1: Edward Snowden Had Greater Government Interaction Than Initially Revealed, Investigation Finds (IBTimes)
Update #2: Snowden Tried to Raise Concerns over Mass Surveillance, Documents Reveal (Sputnik)

WNU Editor: Kudos to VICE News for doing this report. It puts into question the entire NSA case that Edward Snowden did not properly inform NSA officials his surveillance concerns ....when in fact he did. Another NSA twisting of the truth .... it looks like it.

This Edward Snowden story has now been going on for 3 years, and this blog has been extensively covering it since day one. During this entire time everything that Edward Snowden has put forward and discussed has been proven right. Much .... if not everything from the NSA, White House, Congressional oversight committees, etc. on the Edward Snowden issue .... has been proven wrong and/or a lie.

I am someone who does understand the importance of secrets. and the need to monitor and conduct surveillance of our adversaries. I am also someone who values our need for privacy ... and the need to find a balance between the two. But how the NSA has handled the Edward Snowden case .... and the revelations on their surveillance programs over the past 3 years .... I have lost my trust and faith in these national security institutions .... because it is clear to me that they have lost trust and faith in the American people.


Jay Farquharson said...

2013: It's treason!
2014: Maybe not, but it was reckless
2015: Still, technically it was unlawful
2016: It was a public service but

Simple American said...

He will never be a patriot or hero to me.

What makes him any different then the foreign military service member working with our soldiers who suddenly turns his gun against us, or how about the fort hood shooter who decided he had another allegiance.

Snowden actions killed agents in the field, crippled years of work on behalf of American and ally national security and will increase defense expenditures greatly for all taxpayers. It was not his call.

He saved no lives, he made the world no more safer, he greatly enhanced the knowledge therefore abilities of enemies of the state, including those within. Like the Rosenbergs, or people who create homegrown terrorism on behalf of ISIS, or Benidict Arnold. This is what he is likened too, by this liberal.

I am all for standing up against the wrongs of my country, I have a long history of such, but the fact I can speak out, protest AND expose the wrongs of my country in public, means I do not need to nor should I ever do such a disloyal action. Steal the information Snowden, write an article or a book, spread your message against an overreaching government, if you are so self righteous and all knowing, then take your punishment, go to trial make your case, and take your chance of going to jail.

That is patriotic, that is heroic, like a soldier storming a beach, like a monk igniting himself, like a soldier returning for his buddy.

Snowden is pathetic. Not a hero, but a puny antihero who deserves his eventual disrepute in history. And it won't take long for the truth about just how much damage has been done. And anyone who revels in that or who believes in the dismantling of our intelligence services, electronic, digital or otherwise should possibly reconsider, IMHO. Or maybe be honest about their true feelings about western democracy.

Mahatma Ghandi, MLK, anti nuclear activist give themselves up in non violent civil disobedience because they believe that strongly.

Yet it is still on our government for not vetting out these sort of vermin!

All citizens throughout the allied world will pay for his deeds and misjudgment with less security and huge unknown additional defense bills for years to come, trying to plug the holes, regain the intelligence sources, technological advantages lost and in rebuilding the knowledge network destroyed through his actions.

I hope he rots in the hell of his own making! And beyond.

Jay Farquharson said...

Nobody died because of Snowden,

Bush/ Cheney lies cost the US over 7,800 servicemen, over 32,000 mercenaries, and over 1.2 million Iraqi's.

So, which one one of the Alphabet Agencies does "Simple American" work for,

Or do they just have your skipes of you butt fucking your brother or son, that they have threatened to release, to get you to " stand up" for them?

Unknown said...

Wow, Jay just fell into the sewer. Or maybe he was always there.

Bush did not start the Iraq War. The war was never over. There was an armistice with a butthead, who never quit posturing nor causing trouble.

I understand Jay is not related to any of the Kuwaitis, who were sent to Iraq and were never returned nor accounted for. That was one of the points of the armistice, but maybe it is not so important.

Simple American said...

Thank you for the compliment on my writing, Jay.

I would be honored to work for American, Canadian or on behalf of any service that advances the causes and protection of our freedoms, Jay. I am not, however, a paid or former government employee or 'booster press person' for any government, paid or otherwise.

As mentioned, I am a very liberal citizen. Have taken my bumps and jail time and charges in order to stand up to The United States defense conglomerate, twice. On my own. So Jay, I am the opposite of a government mouthpiece. But I am a patriotic person and I am against Russian and Chinese attempts to corrupt, censor or otherwise disrupt the international system. And against those within, who are weakening it, whether through the media or within the system or covertly.

You and I are able to conduct a conversation or disagree because of our freedoms. Yet in the background, under many rocks, agents internal and external are plotting and carrying out plans to censor or crush our nations through, economic, military or anti democratic means.

A government needs oversight of the weak links, to limit these impediments to our security.

I welcome your opinion, Jay. And I am truly on the side of all who want to sustain our rights and liberties. Including Snowden, if he would have just given himself up to authorities, like a hero would. Instead who chose the protection of the anti liberal authoritarian Putin. That says a lot!

Jay Farquharson said...

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither. He who would trade liberty for some temporary security, deserves neither liberty nor security.

Poor Ben Franklin, so passe.

It always warms the cockles of my heart, when so many Americans, in the aftermath of 9/11, seized on Orwell's 1984, not as a warning novel of a dystopian National Security State,

But instead as a How To Manual to "make America Great" again.

I love how it's not Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, the Taliban or ISIS that's destroying America and it's position in the world,

It's instead the work of the Authotarian American Bedwetter Brigaide.

Jay Farquharson said...

"Oceania was at war with Eastasia: Oceania had always been at war with
Eastasia. A large part of the political literature of five years was now
completely obsolete. Reports and records of all kinds, newspapers, books,
pamphlets, films, sound-tracks, photographs--all had to be rectified at
lightning speed. Although no directive was ever issued, it was known that
the chiefs of the Department intended that within one week no reference
to the war with Eurasia, or the alliance with Eastasia, should remain in
existence anywhere. "