Saturday, June 4, 2016

This Is What Tap Water Looks Like In Caracus

WNU Editor: I am posting this because from my own personal experience .... when I was in countries that had this type of water from the tap .... the Soviet Union before the collapse, China before the Tienanmen protests and massacre, Kiev two years before the Maiden revolution .... this is exactly what my tap water looked like.

Is/was there a link to the quality of the water and political/social unrest .... maybe not directly, but indirectly .... you betcha.

Hat tip to Zero Hedge for this story.


RRH said...


Speaking of the Maidan, here is one of the best displays of two schools of Russian thought regarding what should have been done about the Ukrainian "revolution".

Jay Farquharson said...

Looks like Flynt Michigan tap water,

Hamilcar Barca said...

Lol that happen when they change the pipe .

Anonymous said...

I always carry my sawyer squeeze with me when traveling abroad although I don't think it would offer any protection against heavy metals contamination.

James said...

Flat beer! People hang for that.

War News Updates Editor said...

James .... I survived by drinking beer in China.