Wednesday, June 1, 2016

U.S. Backed Kurdish-Syrian Fighters Launch A New Offensive Against The Islamic State

Reuters: Exclusive: U.S.-backed Syria forces launch offensive for Manbij pocket - U.S. officials

Thousands of U.S.-backed fighters in Syria are launching an offensive to capture from Islamic State a crucial swathe of northern Syria known as the Manbij pocket following weeks of quiet preparations, U.S. officials disclosed to Reuters.

The operation, which only just started to get underway on Tuesday and could take weeks to complete, aims to choke off Islamic State's access to Syrian territory along the Turkish border that militants have long used as a logistics base for moving foreign fighters back and forth to Europe.

"It's significant in that it's their last remaining funnel" to Europe, a U.S. military official said.

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WNU Editor: The Turks are not happy .... U.S. backs Kurds in drive against ISIS in Syria despite Turkish objections (Washington Post)

More News On U.S. Backed Kurdish-Syrian Fighters Launching A New Offensive Against The Islamic State

Rebel Forces Hit Islamic State in Northern Syria -- WSJ
Syria conflict: US-backed fighters 'advance on IS-held Manbij' -- BBC
U.S.-backed forces open major front in Syria war -- Reuters
US-backed Kurdish fighters open new front against IS in Syria, monitor says -- ABC News Online
US-backed forces launch operation to retake ISIS-held Syrian town near Turkish border -- FOX News
US-backed push begins to retake Syria border pocket from ISIL -- Euronews
US-backed Forces Seize Nine Villages in Syria -- VOA
Syrian opposition wants clarity over attacks by U.S.-backed force -- Reuters
This photo looks a lot like US boots on the ground in Syria -- Global Post

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Fuck Erdogan and any chauvanist Turks (I know at least one).

The world is not solely for them.