Thursday, June 2, 2016

U.S. Backed Syrian-Kurdish Forces Continue Their Military Offensive Against The Islamic State

Washington Post: Ignoring Turkey, U.S. backs Kurds in drive against ISIS in Syria

BEIRUT — A U.S.-backed force of Kurds and Arabs advanced toward an important Islamic State transit town in Syria on Wednesday, brushing aside Turkish opposition to the involvement of Kurds in operations to recapture the strategically vital area.

U.S. commandos are accompanying the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) as they push north toward Manbij, backed by intense U.S. airstrikes, as part of an offensive aimed at recapturing the town in Aleppo province, said Col. Chris Garver, a U.S. military spokesman.

Manbij lies on the main route used by foreign fighters traveling across the Turkish border to join the Islamic State in the northern Syrian city of Raqqa, the de facto capital of the extremist group’s self-proclaimed caliphate. Capturing Manbij would sever the vital supply route, cut off militant fighters and further squeeze the Islamic State in Raqqa, Garver said.

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More News On U.S. Backed Syrian-Kurdish Forces Continuing Their Military Offensive Against The Islamic State

U.S.-backed fighters advance to cut off Islamic State, win tacit Turkish support -- Reuters
US-backed Syrian forces open new front in fight against IS group -- France 24
US-backed Syrian force targets Isis stronghold on Turkish border -- Financial Times
SDF closes in on ISIL supply route in Syria's Manbij -- Al Jazeera
U.S.-backed Syrian force to reach IS-held town in days: Kurdish source -- Reuters
Kurdish-led forces advance against ISIS in Syria’s Manbij region -- RUDAW
Failed Syrian Strategy Forces Ankara to Accept Kurdish-led Manbij Offensive -- Sputnik
ANALYSIS: From master to observer - how Turkey became irrelevant in Manbij -- Middle East Monitor

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