Thursday, June 9, 2016

U.S. Director of National Intelligence: 'You Can Use Whatever Restroom You Feel Comfortable And Safe In'

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper (R) testifies at a House (Select) Intelligence Committee hearing, September 10, 2015. REUTERS/Gary Cameron

The Hill: Spy chief: Use whatever restroom you want

The nation’s top intelligence officer is expected to step into the heated politics of transgender rights on Wednesday during remarks at an annual LGBT pride event.

“Here in the [intelligence community], we have the chance to lead by example,” Director of National Intelligence James Clapper will say, according to prepared remarks. “So I'll say without equivocation ... in IC facilities ... you can use whatever restroom you feel comfortable and safe in."

The comments insert the government’s senior-most spy into the thicket of simmering controversy over state-level laws, such as the one in North Carolina, that restrict people to using the bathroom that identifies with the sex assigned to them at birth.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This issue is no longer in the media spotlight .... but in the past few weeks I have asked some friends .... people I know who served in the Chinese and Russian military/government .... on what was their country's policy towards letting men who believe that they are women to use the women's washroom. Their answers .... without question they all thought I was nuts for asking the question.


RRH said...

" Their answers .... without question they all thought I was nuts for asking the question."

Just more proof toward how ridiculous "we" have become.

Anonymous said...

And we are nuts for even making it an issue.

Jay Farquharson said...

"you can use whatever restroom you feel comfortable and safe in."

"Doesn't matter, we are watching you 24/7 anyway"

War News Updates Editor said...

Good one Jay