Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Islamic State Is Preparing Its Followers For The Collapse Of The Caliphate

Miembros del Estado Islámico. Imagen: Archivo

Joby Warrick & Souad Mekhennet, Washington Post: Inside ISIS: Quietly preparing for the loss of the ‘caliphate’

Even as it launches waves of terrorist attacks around the globe, the Islamic State is quietly preparing its followers for the eventual collapse of the caliphate it proclaimed with great fanfare two years ago.

In public messages and in recent actions in Syria, the group’s leaders are acknowledging the terrorist organization’s declining fortunes on the battlefield while bracing for the possibility that its remaining strongholds could fall.

At the same time, the group is vowing to press on with its recent campaign of violence, even if the terrorists themselves are driven underground. U.S. counterterrorism experts believe the mass-­casualty attacks in Istanbul and Baghdad in the past month were largely a response to military reversals in Iraq and Syria.

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WNU Editor: They are going to go underground, which means that the violence in places like Iraq and Syria is probably going to continue for a long time.


RRH said...

Unknown said...

"which means that the violence in places like Iraq and Syria is probably going to continue for a long time."

& the west?

Ever since Peter the Great, Russia has remained part of the west.

Jay Farquharson said...

Jordan, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Kosovo and Bosnia account for roughly half of ISIS's foreign jihadi's. Some will be able or will try to blend in in Syria and Iraq, many will go home, other's will migrate to the "next" jihad.

Russia, Chechnya, Turkmenistan, Uzbeckistan and Tajikistan account for roughly 1/4, and they won't be going home, nor can many of them "go to ground".

Western Europe accounts for roughly another quarter, and as it has been already shown, they can and do pass at will into Europe.