Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- July 13, 2016

BBC: South China Sea: China 'has right to set up air defence zone'

A senior Chinese official has said China has the right to set up an air defence zone over territory it claims in the South China Sea.

The statement from Vice-Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin comes a day after an international tribunal said there was no legal basis for China's claims.

China has overlapping claims with other countries to reefs and islands across almost all of the South China Sea.

It has already said it will ignore the tribunal's findings.

President Xi Jinping has said China's "territorial sovereignty and marine rights" in the seas will not be affected by the ruling "in any way".

Read more ....

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- July 13, 2016

Beijing mulls setting up air defense zone in S. China Sea, gets new guided-missile destroyer -- RT

Analysts: Beijing Has Long Used Military Force to Exert Dominance Over South China Sea -- USNI News

U.S. says sees signs of continued Chinese militarization of South China Sea -- Reuters

China’s Blueprint for Sea Power -- Jamestown

South Korea chooses site of THAAD U.S. missile system amid protests -- Reuters

Putin prepares for World War III: Hundreds of military vehicles including mobile ballistic missile launchers take part in simulated launch drills across Russia -- Daily Mail

Don’t Sweat Russia’s Stealth-Fighter-Detecting New Radar -- War Is Boring

New Russian Bomber to Be Able to Launch Nuclear Attacks From Outer Space -- Sputnik

Russia's Next Military Game Changer: Microwave Weapons? -- National Interest

Russia wants to hear NATO’s explanations on Warsaw summit decisions — Lavrov -- TASS

NATO-Russia Council: From High Hopes To Broken Dreams -- RFE

NATO Allies to Create Joint Intel Division -- AP

Germany presents new 'military roadmap' -- DW

Germany: Brexit a Chance to Improve EU Military Cooperation -- AP

Germany to recall troops from Turkish base if Ankara blocks MPs' visit -- DW

Housing for UK military families appalling, MPs say in scathing report -- The Guardian

US Lawmakers Urge Action on Jet Sales to Qatar, Kuwait and Bahrain -- Defense News

Pentagon Chief Seeks Better Use of US Forces in Afghanistan -- AP

Iranian Attack Boats Buzz US Ships in Straits of Hormuz ‘Without Incident’ -- Sputnik

US Eisenhower Carrier Moves to Yemen Region to Back Anti-Daesh Efforts -- Sputnik

Ford Carrier Delayed Again Due to ‘First-of-Class Issues’ -- USNI News

Navy shipbuilding plan recommends $2B annual increase in FY18 -- Bloomberg

US Navy 30-Year Ship Plan Outlines SSBN Incremental Funding, Pushes Cruiser Phased Modernization -- USNI News

Navy F/A-18 Adds Real-Time Fast Attack Video Data Link -- Scout

USAF considers expanded role for T-X -- Flight Global

Senate Democrats Block DoD Spending Bill, Seeking Omnibus -- Defense News

GOP bill would block undocumenteds from military service -- The Hill

Ryan: 'Dangerous call' to give Clinton classified briefings -- The Hill

Pentagon punts propaganda contractor -- USA Today

The Pentagon gets a new ‘Psyops’ contractor -- RT

The Army is Testing Genetically Engineered Spider Silk for Body Armor -- Defense One

Airbus Still Struggling to Make Super Jumbo and Military Transporter Pay -- WSJ

A US military supplier has become one of the most sought-after brands in fashion -- Quartz

Standoff Brews Over the Future of US Security Assistance -- Joe Gould and Aaron Mehta, Defense News

5 Reasons the US Military Is in Trouble -- Justin Johnson, Daily Signal

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