Tuesday, July 12, 2016

This Is Donald Trump's Favourite General?

Politico: Trump's favorite general

Michael Flynn is more than a valued adviser to the presumptive GOP nominee. He's also a potential VP candidate.

As the military’s top spy, Michael Flynn repeatedly butted heads with the Obama administration during a rocky tenure in which he was ultimately forced out. He then broke ranks with most national security leaders in Washington when he became one of the earliest backers of Donald Trump.

Now Flynn, 57, who has briefed Trump in person and penned memos for him, has emerged as more than a valued informal adviser — he’s a potential running mate.

Trump associates say that Flynn has been the subject of growing discussions inside the campaign, as Trump himself has signaled publicly that he is exploring a running mate from outside the ranks of politicians, including from the military.

“I like the generals. I like the concept of the generals. We’re thinking about — actually there are two of them that are under consideration,” Trump said Wednesday on Fox News.

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Update: Trump Considering Retired Army Generals for Vice President: Reports (Military.com)

WNU Editor: Gen. Stanley McChrystal (Ret.) is another Donald Trump favourite .... Gen. Stanley McChrystal Not Interested in Being Trump's Vice President (ABC News).

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