Monday, August 8, 2016

The Taliban Have An Elite Commando Force That Is Causing Havoc On The Afghan Army

WNU Editor: If this is true .... Taliban's new commando force tests Afghan army's strength (FOX News/AP) .... it tells me that the Taliban are now upping their war strategy. The fact that these commando units appear to be better armed and have equipment (i.e. night vision) that the Afghan army does not have is perplexing .... but considering how corrupt and disorganised the Afghan war effort has been .... and how rich (because of the opium trade) and motivated the Taliban are .... not surprising.


fazman said...

Elite lol commando lol
They know the difference between the barrel and the butt

Jim said...


RRH said...


Yeah, it's real funny until the "perimeter breach" alarm sounds.