Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Poll: What Americans Fear The Most

USA Today: Survey reveals what Americans fear the most

As the presidential election campaign drags on, it may come as no surprise that corrupt government officials are one of the greatest fears many Americans have, according to a new study.

People are scared of a lot of things, ranging from terror attacks to identity theft and deaths within the family, according to the third annual Chapman University Survey of American Fears.

The 2016 survey data showed a shift from 2015, where many of the top fears were economic and “big brother type issues," Christopher Bader, a professor of sociology at Chapman University in Orange, Calif., said in a statement. Bader, who led the team effort, said this year the responses showed more of a focus on health and finance.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Corruption is #1. Obamacare/"Health Care" is #10. Climate change is not even in the top 10.


Jay Farquharson said...

>>“We’re doing something that’s incredible, it’s a movement. But if we don’t win, all it is is a little asterisk in history. There’s never been anything like this so go and register, make sure you get out and vote Nov. 28.”

Please do this, Trumpettes.

(Also hysterical Freudian slip: Nov. 28 is the Trump University court date, you know, with the unfair Mexican judge.)<<

Anonymous said...

Viva Mr Trump POTUS

Just a carpenter. said...

I fear Trump took and envelope long ago.

Just a carpenter. said...

I fear Trump took and envelope long ago.

Jay Farquharson said...

Last day to vote is Nov.8th.

The Deplorables will be showing up a little late.

B.Poster said...

I'm pretty sure most people are aware of the last day to vote. After all the media has made sure everyone knows. As such, one would be hard pressed to find anyone over the age of 4 who is unaware of this. As such, anyone who wishes to vote will not miss the date.

With that said the Trump campaign is disjointed and disorganized. When I predicted his victory I assumed his team working with the RNC and other experienced Republican politicians would fix this. This hasn't happened to the extent I expected.

Given this situation Mrs. Clinton is quite correct to ask why she is not 50 points ahead. To answer this, she probably should look inward. Does she have this kind of humility to do so?

As for the Trump University case, hopefully the case will be ddcided in an equitable manner. Unfortunately given how Mr. Trump has been treated since he announced his run for POTUS there is legitimate cause for concern.

As for the deplorables, perhaps they are tired of having their family members gunned down by illegals, watching themselves being economically raped by unbalanced trade deals, and via NATO and other ridiculous "alliances" being sucked into conflicts that are contrary to their interests. In other words, perhaps they desire the kind of dignity most humans on earth take for granted. While most of them likely agree if there were a better candidate than Trump, there isn't.

As such, Russian Roulette with Trump or more of the same with Clinton. Keeping in mind more of the sane means almost certain death for most Americans.

Jay Farquharson said...

The average Trump Voter, is white, late middle age, Univeristy education, earns $150 or more a year, lives in a nice, white, suburb, has a Company pension and medical plan.

The Trump Voter is voting for continued White, Male, Privledge.

The same people who voted to seceed for slavery.

Greatest US Election ever.

Jay Farquharson said...


The All Seeing Trump

Anonymous said...

I still haven't figured out who the Trump supporters are, most republicans I know dislike him just as much as the liberals. I do have two Hispanic friends who support him...odd as it may be. There are definitely two different realities going on along our southern border, one of which is portrayed in the mainstream media, the other being hush hushed and ignored. I believe that if people knew the truth Trump would get a lot more consideration.

Jay Farquharson said...

If people knew the Truth, Trump would have long since been in jail.

B.Poster said...


Very respectfully I'm not sure you really undetstand just who the average Trump voter is. As soneone who has lived their whole life in America I can attest, the people you describe vote overwhelming Democrat. A large percentage of Trump supporters are barely surviving and hope for something better.

It's interesting you mention slavery. The American people want this settled. The openning offer would be 500K for every single person of color no questions asked and no need to prove you or your ancestors were adversely affected by slavery. Even if your ancestors profited from the slave trade you still get the pauout as a person of color. This settlement would be tax free to the recipients.

Keep in mind this is the "openning offer." Hold out and the offer only gets better for people of color especially African Americans. Unfortunately certain race hustlers are profiting from the current situation. As such, any type of just settlement may not be possible right now.

Jay Farquharson said...


>>"RUSH LIMBAUGH: You know what the magic word, the only thing that matters in American sexual mores today is? One thing. You can do anything, the left will promote and understand and tolerate anything, as long as there is one element. Do you know what it is? Consent. If there is consent on both or all three or all four, however many are involved in the sex act, it's perfectly fine. Whatever it is. But if the left ever senses and smells that there's no consent in part of the equation then here come the rape police. But consent is the magic key to the left."<<

Sex with out consent is called rape.

Unless it's an animal, the favorite sexual fetish of Republicans

>>The hits just keep coming for embattled Republican nominee and sexual predator Donald Trump. Literally half an hour after the New York Times published the stories of two of Donald Trump’s sex assault victims, a new video has emerged from 1992, shot at the Trump Tower, which shows Trump sexualizing a ten-year-old girl as she goes up an escalator.<<

LMAO, Best US Election evah!!!!!!!!!!

Jay Farquharson said...

LMAO, maybe once Trump's flamed out, you can get him to babysit.

Anonymous said...

Jay that link you posted is a odds maker on election results, I was expecting something about criminal behavior that would put Trump in holding out?

B.Poster said...


All of 1 million Americans pay attention to Rush Limbaugh. The other 2oo million+ absolutely hate and despise him.

The one million Americans who follow him is enough to meep him on air and "freedom of speech" prevents hom from being shut dowm so far.

As for Donald Trump in 1992, I'd suggest, if this really hzppened, prosecute, convict, and be done. After all the elites hate him. It should be quite easy.)

There remains a few thorny pronlems. 1.) Sending someone to jail requires proof bruond a rrasonable doubt. 2.) Mr. Trump has identified those who have raped America, called them out, and promised change. 3.) As such, to those whp have done the raping he must be stopped and doubly so to those Americans who have benefited from the economic raping of America.

Anonymous said...

"Current administration" putting an FBI guy to head Border Patrol...someone is not happy with "classified info" being leaked to the press. But don't worry Jay, only Fox and Breitbart and other fascist news organizations ran with it so it's not actually true.

When you live 10 miles from drug cartels still reign supreme it's becomes slightly more interesting.

Jay Farquharson said...

The link has a variety of polls, including breakdowns of Trumpshirts.

Trump's criminality is nothing that needs links, just google Trump, Crime.

Jay Farquharson said...


I know completely understand why plastic bags come with suffocation warnings,

Utility buckets come with drowning warnings,

And why Ikea furniture comes with do not eat warnings.

No wonder the US needs a constant influx of immigrants. Your gynaphobia leaves you unable to breed.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jay just out of curiosity did you catch the Hillary/Google "health" search conspiracy? I'm sure you glance at zerohedge every now and again...crazy right wing conspiracy theories I tell ya.

Anonymous said...

The real “deplorables” generally aren’t the people whom Hillary denounced as wholly “irredeemable,” or at whom economically secure commentators fulminate on a regular basis... the true deplorables are the unaccountable elites whose decisions directly worsened life for millions of Americans..."

Jay Farquharson said...


Jay Farquharson said...

Did you see the Alex Jones Obama/Demon/Flies flame out?

Hillary's gonna live longer than you.

B.Poster said...

Since Google is in the tank for Clinton, how trustworthy would this be? America is a bit like a rape victim. She's been raped by her various allies. As for any rape victim, it can be hard for her to break free. The victim often blames herself and she attacks those who would try and help her.

Then along comes Mr. Trump to suggest to her that perhaps she does not need to continue to be raped. She says, "it's always been this way, I don't like it, but it cannot be changed. Those raping us are simply to powerful and they consist of those who should be helping us. There's nothing s we can do." Keep in mind the rape victim, in this case America, suffers from "Stockholm Sydrone" whereby she supports those who vicimize her and attacks those who would try and help her.

Hopefully this can be changed for America's sake. As for those hopimg for the genocide of Americans, those people must be loving life right about now.

Anonymous said...

Nothing more enlightening than a drunk (or near drunk) Canadian guy trying to use the WN chat as his pulpit to convince Muricans who's the worst choice for president.

As we learned from the Brits, people don't like being told how to vote...especially when they're from another country:)

Have a drink for me...

Jay Farquharson said...


So the 1% Deplorables spend a few million to get The Deplorables out to vote, by yelling Roe-Wade, Gay Marriage, Family Values, that results in Bush 1, lost wars, the gutting of Dodd -Frank, the legal theft of individual property, and the destruction of the Global Economy.

Lot's of deplorables in the US.

Jay Farquharson said...

Yup, al Gore's Internet's finally paying off for the Dems.

Try Conservapedia

Jay Farquharson said...

I'm not trying to convince any of you,

You are irredeemable.

I'm just LAMO at you.

It's better than googling you tube/tannerite or Gunfail.

Anonymous said...

I figured by this time of night you'd have diverted to Rush or Trooper...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

You guys need to stop listening and believing to possible bogus info from the media and other sources, because we are all pawns in a chess game where no one wins.

B .Poster said...

Not sure what Roe v Wade has to do with any of this. Roe v Wade, while perhaps it should be overturned, it won't be. All political parties, for better or worse have given up this fight. The right to murder an unborn baby who can't raise a protest is a given and anyone whp challenges this can expect to be destroyed.

Now how tnis applies to Russia is uncertain. Russia is the most powrrful nation the world has ever known and cannot be stopped. All nstions especially America need to act accordingly.

Anonymous said...

Bposter. .do you touch yourself when you think about Russia? :) it's so cute. .when I was there last month it felt like a broke 3rd world country.. and yeah. .it was Moscow

Jay Farquharson said...

The Republican Party, over 20 years, sucked $145 billion out of the rubes,

Promisng to reverse Roe.vs Wade.

LMAO, the grifted, still don't get the grift.


Jay Farquharson said...

You really need to visit the driftglass blogspot re-education camp.

Go back 15 years and start reading forward.


Jay Farquharson said...

Actually, I'm watching a Game of Thrones redux, Red Wedding Edition.

Trump's playing Walder Frey,
Ryan's playing Rob Stark,
And Roger Ailes is playing Boulton.


Anonymous said...

"Just GoogleTrump". It is well documented that google has been manipulating political related searches for at least the last year. If you think I am wearing a f
tinfoil hat, try a few political related searches with your trusted google and then try it through an alternative engine like duckduckgo. I was shocked the first few times.

Anonymous said...

Those Deplorables including the Republican party leadership, the entire Bush and Romney camps have come out publically against Trump and and in most cases for Hillary. I think your google is misleading you.

B.Poster said...


There is nothing cute about any of this and not sure what touching oneself has to do with any of this. While Russia may well be lacking economically, it does have a first rate military.

RRH said...


I just drove through Detroit yesterday and it felt like The Day After.

I don't agree with B. on much, but the Russians, at the very least, could inflict so much dsmagr on any opponent that fighting them is a losing proposition.

Jay Farquharson said...


It's the communal descent into madness and CT I am enjoying the most.

Jay Farquharson said...

All the Republican Party are deplorables.

Jay Farquharson said...

No, it doesn't.

What it does have, is temporary Regional Superiority and is only stuck in one War, not not 17.