Sunday, December 18, 2016

A Large Number Of U.S. National Security Council Foreign Policy Experts Are Handing In Their Resignations

President-elect Donald Trump and retired General Michael Flynn speak at an event.  Photo: Reuters

The Guardian: White House faces exodus of foreign policy experts ahead of Trump's arrival

An unusual number of the National Security Council’s more junior officials are looking to depart, due to concerns about incoming advisor Michael Flynn.

The White House is struggling to prevent a crippling exodus of foreign policy staffers eager to leave before the arrival of the Trump administration, according to current and former officials.

The top level officials in the National Security Council (NSC) are political appointees who have to submit resignations and leave in a normal transition. The rest of the 400 NSC staff are career civil servants on secondment from other departments. An unusual number of these more junior officials are now looking to depart.

Many are concerned by a proliferation of reports about the incoming national security adviser, Michael Flynn. On Wednesday the Washington Post reported that Flynn had improperly shared classified information with foreign military officers. On the same day, CNN reported that the former DIA chief had this week deleted a tweet he had sent out a few days before the election that linked to a fake news story suggesting Hillary Clinton took part in crimes against children.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: President-Elect Trump and the incoming national security adviser, Michael Flynn made it very clear during the campaign that they were/are disappointed on how the National Security Council has been run for the past few years. From the perspective of these NSC officials .... many who disagree with President-elect Trump's policies on everything from the use of torture to rules of engagement .... the "ship is sinking" for them and they want to get out before they are replaced ... or worse .... implement policies that they disagree with.


James said...

Got to get to those casting calls for pundits at NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, and the rare longshot Fox.

Jac said...

That's a good news.

fred said...

Is anyone really sure what the Trump policy will really be once in office? After all, he has already changed his mind on some things; stated the opposite position on things he stated during the campaign; and does not yet have the Nuke codes in his hands.

Jay Farquharson said...

Nobody knows what Trump's FP will be.

His F/P team is 1/3 America Firsters, 1/3 NeoCon and 1/3 Dominionist Crusaders.

All we do know is it will probably conducted most by twitter.

Unknown said...

We do not need many of those jackwagons.

Samantha Powerful was "...on the National Security Council from January 2009 to February 2013".

That braying jackass gave us Libya.

She was eminently qualified; she had a law degree.

She received an official imprimatur from the Left-wing establishment in 2004 just 5 years after getting her JD. So now she was ready to help set policy.

"In 2004, Power was named by Time magazine as one of the 100 most influential people in the world that year."

I think a JD is useful, very useful and necessary. But how about JD paired up with something other than BS?

Pair the JD with something like Business Management, Accounting, Economics, experience in the business world, engineering or Military science.

So the weasels are abandoning ship. Good riddance!

Jay Farquharson said...

Not really,

Jay Farquharson said...

This ain't Senior Management quitting like Powers, ( they always get replaced),

This is Middle Management quitting, Supervisors quitting, the Secretary pool quitting all the way down to the Cafeteria staff and the guy who waxes the floors at night.

Anonymous said...

It's hard to know who are heavyweights and who are lightweights, but my guess would be that it is the latter who are leaving before they are fired.

Jay Farquharson said...

It helps to read.

They are mid and lowlevel "technocrat" employee's "seconded" from other Agencies, like the NSA, Army, CIA, DIA, Homeland, etc, and they are "returning" back to the jobs and Agencies they were seconded.

These are the guys who run the internal internet, manage the stationary, copiers, secure coms, provide access to the satellites, compile the reports, translate from Farsi, parse the Laws, communicate with the Senators, link with CENTCOM on action reports, fill out the budget requests and expense accounts,

B.Poster said...

They all need to be purged. If they are really leaving of their own accord, this would be a hood thing as long as they STAY OUT OF THE WAY.

Unfortunately these people are a bit like cancer. As I understand it, a cancer patient in remission often lives in abject terror that the cancer will come back. If these people will leave, never return, and not interfere with the policies and implementation of such by their replacements, this would be a good thing.

The entire rotting edifice needs to be purged so America can move forward with a fighting chance for survival. If these people self purge, that would be awesome.

Jay Farquharson said...

Basically, Trump "bought" the NSC, just like buying Walmart,

And just like buying Walmart, everybody from the Headquarters staff, through to the Store Managers, down to the Store Greeters and the Guy who picks up the carts in the parking lot are "quitting".

LMAO, having appointed 8 people to the NSC, Trump now has to find 12,640 more people who not only have NSC's, but know how to and have the access to download satellite images from JSTARs and run the NSC internets.

Unknown said...

Copiers are so hard to run.

Unknown said...

The DIA & service can second other people to run secure coms.

McCain communicated with Senators, when he was a naval officer. Look how that turned out. Communicating with senators must be a very hard job if the bottom guy (or near it) in the class can do it.

budget requests and expense accounts are real tricky. 1/2 the U.S. can fill out an expense account give or take 1/6th. The rest are trainable except perhaps the hardcore Democrat underclass.

Unknown said...

Acton reports are difficult too. Just about any good NCO or JO can do those.

Jay Farquharson said...

So's Power Point.

Ever work a "secure" Copier?

Of course not. You are just a "cuck".

It's alot harder to work when the IT Guy's gone back to 32nd Street NAB, with out handing out any passwords, security codes or conducted any training sessions.

Unlike a library copier, there's no place to insert quarters.

Jay Farquharson said...

They are "volentary positions",

Not a lot of "volenteers" lining up, and StormFront volenteers won't pass the NSC's.

Jay Farquharson said...


Anonymous said...

Swamp is being drained.

Unknown said...

They are "volentary[sic] positions",

I am not sure what a volentary position is. Maybe it is a position you assume, if you are chasing bugs.

There are things called fitness reports and evaluations. You leave in a huff without passing out passwords to your relief and it can be assured that your next chance at promotion will be flushed.

Jay Farquharson said...

It means that if "seconded" to the NSC from for example, the Army, you can say "no thank you" with no consequences on your career.

And if you are the guy who hands out the pass codes, when your resignation date arrives, if there is nobody to cross train and hand off to, it's not your problem, nor does it effect your career.

Unknown said...

You obviously are not in the U.S. military.